Résultats de la recherche - 6 results

The overweight epidemic increasingly hits children of lower educated parents in Belgium

children. Health promotion on nutrition and physical activity at school has the potential to reach children from all socioeconomic backgrounds, making it an important means of tackling health inequalities ...

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

findings (building trust, health inequalities, training and capacity building, addressing stakeholder diversity); and the dissemination and exploitation of the results to the general public, to researchers, ...

Correcting the self-reported BMI doesn't impact the socio-economic inequalities in obesity

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Sabine Drieskens; Stefaan Demarest; Sarah Bel; Karin De Ridder; Jean Tafforeau Source: European Public Health Conference, ...

The impact of neighbourhood perceived greenness on health and mortality inequalities in Belgium: a census-based study.

2016, NA, Issue International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), NA (2016) Keywords: Belgium environmental epidemiology health Impact inequalities inequality International mortality ON ...

Educational inequalities in Healthy Life Years in Belgium: Are there regional variations?

Keywords: Belgium Health inequalities Healthy healthy life Healthy Life Years HLY inequalities inequality Life regional regional variations variation variations Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring ...

Worse or better? The challenge of measuring inequality changes in premature mortality in Belgium

Association conference, Vienna (2016) Keywords: Health inequalities mortality Premature mortality Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in ...

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