Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

Defining a European diabetes data dictionary for clinical audit and healthcare delivery: core standards of the EUBIROD project

European data dictionary with appropriate clinical definitions that can be used to analyse diabetes outcomes and provide the foundation for data collection from existing electronic health records ...

Management and 6-month outcome of patients with diabetic foot problems: results from a nationwide quality improvement initiative between 2005 and 2014

not been documented between 2005 and 2014, although the short-term outcomes are good for a population with deep DFU s and high comorbidity burden. Health Topics:  Suikerziekte Quality of healthcare ...

Deformation at first presentation is associated with ulceration in active Charcot foot: a prospective follow-up study of 62 patients of the IQED-Foot study

point. The weakness of this study is the low number of patients that is probably responsible for the lack of other significant differences between the groups. Health Topics:  Suikerziekte Quality of ...

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