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Résultats de la recherche - 9 results

How to Deal with Uninformed and Poorly Informed Opinions of Citizens? A Critical Approach to Online Public Engagement

Our experience with uninformed and poorly informed (UPI) opinions in an online public engagement initiative (the DNA Debate) has taught us to think differently. First, UPI opinions might be ethically ...

Tackling cervical cancer in Europe amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

integrated HPV vaccination and HPV-based screening, and requested European health authorities to endorse the principles of the WHO elimination initiative, mobilise resources to update evidence-based ...

Pathways to a cancer-free future: A protocol for modelled evaluations to maximize the future impact of interventions on cervical cancer in Australia

previously used to perform policy evaluations in Australia. Exploratory modelling of interventions using idealised scenarios will initially be conducted in single birth cohorts. If these have a significant ...

Efficacy and safety of prophylactic HPV vaccines. A Cochrane review of randomized trials.

those associated with vaccine HPV types and any cervical precancer. Exposure groups were: women aged: 15-26 or 24-45 years being initially negative for high-risk HPV (hrHPV) or negative for the vaccine ...

Clinical and Analytical Evaluation of the Anyplex II HPV HR Detection Assay within the VALGENT-3 Framework.

Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: In 2012, VAL idation of human papillomavirus (HPV) GEN otyping T ests (VALGENT) was initiated to provide a formalized and uniform study framework for comparison and validation of ...

Plan Cancer: État des lieux Novembre 2012

Commission santé publique de la Chambre  Le Plan cancer: plus de 4 ans après, poursuite des initiatives prévues. Discours de Laurette Onkelinx Vice-première Ministre, Ministre des Affaires sociales et de ...

Plan Cancer: État des lieux Mars 2011

haleine, mais qui est réellement une priorité majeure de santé publique dans notre pays. Cette initiative est encouragée au plan international puisque l’ OMS et l’Union européenne soutiennent l’adoption d’un ...

Evaluation of the Cancer Plan 2008-2010: Results 2011

patients, and research, innovation and evaluations in which individual initiatives are presented. The design of the evaluation of the Cancer Plan 2008-2010 was carried out in six consecutive phases, each ...

Évaluation des mesures prises dans le cadre de la lutte contre le cancer 2016

2008 dans le but d’améliorer la lutte contre le cancer. Huit ans après la mise en route du Plan Cancer, un certain nombre d’actions du plan initial ont acquis un caractère structurel et ont ainsi ...

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