Résultats de la recherche - 6 results

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders

according to a coherent framework. To tackle this objective, the disease burden attributable to environmental stressors is estimated using comparative risk assessment (CRA). As this method determines the ...

Validated alternative methods available for human Health and Safety assessment of cosmetic products and their ingredients in the European Union

Publication Type: Scientific book or chapter Authors: Rogiers, Vera; Anouck Thienpont; Mona Delagrange; Birgit Mertens; Vanhaecke, Tamara Source: Validated alternative methods available for human ...

Beheer van biologisch besmet afval afkomstig van activiteiten van ingeperkt gebruik van genetisch gemodificeerde en/of pathogene organismen: Richtlijnen en aanbevelingen.

genereert verschillende soorten afval. Overeenkomstig de gewestelijke wetgevingen inzake ingeperkt gebruik moeten biologisch afval en/of biologische residu’s volgens een geschikte en gevalideerde methode ...

Studiedag rond alternatieve methoden voor dierproeven in Vlaanderen. Het Kick-off symposium van RE-Place

alternative methods Database in chemico In silico in vitro new approach methodologies replacement Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Évaluation des ...

Scientific opinion on the risk for public and animal health related to the presence of sterigmatocystin in food and feed

method methods mycotoxins,sterigmatocystin,food,feed,dietary exposure,genotoxic and carcinogenic,risk assessment need observed occurrence ON Pig Pigs Poultry public Quantification result results risk ...

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