Résultats de la recherche - 6 results

Microbial quality analysis of falsified medicines seized by controling agencies

medications are mainly encountered in developing region, the criminal focus in western countries seems to center more on lifestyle medicines, including sexual performance enhancers, sport performance boosters, ...

Taenia solium Cysticercosis/Taeniosis in Europe and Central Asia

European regulations; however, as the sensitivity of the method is low, cases might be underreported. In central Asia, the disease is presumably absent, as countries in the region are mostly Muslim. However, ...

BruxAir. Short-term health effects of air pollution in the Brussels Capital Region 2004-2011: an epidemiological time series approach.

effects health health effects region series time Time series Abstract: Air pollution levels have decreased significantly over the previous decades, yet increasing evidence reveals that air pollution remains ...

Exploring the added value of Whole Genome Sequencing in routine and pandemic viral surveillance

hemagglutinin segment has been the principal target region in classical influenza surveillance programmes, besides neuraminidase. Consequently, relatively little information is available about the other segments. ...

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