Résultats de la recherche - 139 results

Lumpy Skin Disease: A Systematic Review of Mode of Transmission, Risk of Emergence and Risk Entry Pathway.

vectors, and stable flies are the most competent vectors. Vectors are mainly responsible for a short-distance spread, while cattle trade spread the virus over long distances. Furthermore, vaccine-recombinant ...

Duration of Immunity Induced after Vaccination of Cattle with a Live Attenuated or Inactivated Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Vaccine

6, 12 and 18 months for LSDV LAV or after 6 and 12 months for the LSDV Inac. The LSDV LAV elicited a strong immune response and protection for up to 18 months, as no clinical signs or viremia could be ...

Selection and use of reference panels: a case study highlighting current gaps in the materials available for foot and mouth disease.

assays used to measure virus-specific FMD antibody responses. Since there are often limited resources to prepare and distribute these materials, sustainable progress in this arena will only be achievable ...

Comparative Evaluation of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus-Based Live Attenuated Vaccines.

Aside from small differences in serological responses, important differences were seen in side effects such as a local reaction and a Neethling response upon vaccination between the analyzed vaccines. ...

Temperature and food sources influence subadult development and blood-feeding response of Culicoides obsoletus (sensu lato) under laboratory conditions

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Claudia Van den Eynde; Charlotte Sohier; Severine Matthijs; Nick De Regge Source: Parasites & Vectors, Volume 14, Issue 1 (2021) Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Ser ...

Selection and use of reference panels: a case study highlighting current gaps in the materials available for foot and mouth disease

post-vaccination serology, and address inter-laboratory differences in serological assays used to measure virus-specific FMD antibody responses. Since there are often limited resources to prepare and distribute ...

Efficient control of Japanese encephalitis virus in the central nervous system of infected pigs occurs in the absence of a pronounced inflammatory immune response.

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is the leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia. JEV infection of mice and humans can lead to an uncontrolled inflammatory response in the central ...

Phylogeography of Human and Animal Strains: Genetic Fingerprinting of Q Fever in Belgium.

SNP6) were identified. The SNP2 type/ MLVA cluster A was the most abundant and dispersed genotype over the entire territory, but it seemed not responsible for human cases, as it was only present in animal ...

Phylogenetic Analysis of Belgian Small Ruminant Lentiviruses Supports Cross Species Virus Transmission and Identifies New Subtype B5 Strains.

(SRLV) are a group of highly divergent viruses responsible for global and fatal infections in sheep and goats. Since the current phylogenetic classification of these viruses was proposed in 2004, it ...

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