Résultats de la recherche - 141 results

Shotgun metagenomics as a ONE Health tool for better protecting human health

investigation and clinical/veterinary diagnostics. This could also allow a better understanding of infectious diseases and accurate risk (safety) assessment in food safety issues. However, before it can be used ...

Pesticide Use in Market Gardening and Perceived Risk of Consumers Exposed to Pesticide Residues

Agriculture- Food Science and Technology, Volume 10, Issue 6 (2022) Keywords: Consumers Market gardeners Pesticide residues Risk perception Vegetables Abstract: Pesticides are commonly applied in market ...

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in spices and dried herbs and associated risk for the Belgian population

Volume 15, Issue 4 (2022) Keywords: Belgium; GC-MS/MS; PAH; dried herbs; monitoring; risk assessment; spices Abstract: A total of 120 spices and herbs bought on the Belgian market have been analysed for ...

Occurrence of (suspected) genotoxic flavoring substances in Belgian alcohol-free beers.

based on information from European risks assessment reports. Thirty-seven (suspected) genotoxic flavoring substances were analyzed in a selection of ten alcohol-free beers. Five suspected genotoxic ...

Sensitivity of candling as routine method for the detection and recovery of ascaridoids in commercial fish fillets.

overall efficacy of candling, further assessment of its cost-benefit and impact on consumers’ health risk should be conducted. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité ...

Modeling the migration of chemicals from food contact materials to food: The MERLIN-expo/VERMEER toolbox

sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en gezondheidsimpactevaluatie Risk and health impact assessment Contaminants ...

Evaluation of the risks for animal health related to the presence of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in feed for honey bees

4 (2022) Keywords: bee feed honey bees Hydroxymethylfurfural Risk Assessment Abstract: The European Commission has asked the EFSA to evaluate the risk for animal health related to the presence of ...

Presence of chlorinated paraffins in foodstuffs and intake of the belgian population

alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Risques chimiques et physiques pour la santé Chemische en fysische gezondheidsrisico's Chemical and physical health risks Activités transversales en ...

In Vivo Kinetics and Biotransformation of Aflatoxin B1 in Dairy Cows Based on the Establishment of a Reliable UHPLC-MS/MS MethodDataSheet1.docx

were determined using the developed UHPLC- MS / MS method, and the present findings could be helpful in assessing the health risks to consumers. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety ...

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