Résultats de la recherche - 4 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

the STEC strain from the endogenous E.coli strains while an Illumina MiSeq run takes 48 hours. Moreover, the lower-cost Flongle flow cell showed the same results after 24 hours of sequencing when using ...

Pesticide Use in Market Gardening and Perceived Risk of Consumers Exposed to Pesticide Residues

that all consumers washed their vegetables before consumption, but more than half of the respondents (54%) wash their vegetables for less than a minute (simply passing them under running water). In the ...

Food insecurity and its association with changes in nutritional habits among adults during the COVID-19 confinement measures in Belgium.

Adults who often or sometimes feared that food would run out during confinement had significantly higher odds of decreased versus unchanged fruit (3.53; 95% CI =2.06-6.05) and vegetable (5.42; 95% CI ...

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