Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

The burden of cystic fibrosis in Belgium: a registry-based study

its impact on public health is unpretentious. Nonetheless, this burden of disease study strongly suggests that cystic fibrosis should receive sufficient public health support in order to decrease the ...

Impact of tobacco control interventions on health expectancies: use of dynamic modelling for health impact assessment in Belgium

effect size and the timing varied. Conclusion: This study suggests that smoking yields major losses in terms of HLY and LE in Belgium. The comparisons of alternative scenarios with the “business-as-usual” ...

De ziektelast van Yersinia enterocolitica in België

ziektelast van voedseloverdraagbare pathogenen in kaart te brengen, werd in deze studie de ziektelast van Y. enterocolitica in België bepaald. Dit gebeurde door een Disability-Adjusted Life Year ...

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