Thu, 08/12/2022 - 09:00 to 17:30
Through this new Symposium “Health challenges of the 21st century”, Sciensano aims to highlight different areas of its research, and encourage you to interact with us.
The themes selected for this first edition are:
- Crisis preparedness/Innovation
- One Health
- Food security and health
You can attend the event onsite or online via Webex. Participants registering for online participation will receive a link a few days before the symposium. If you register for onsite participation, and realize later that you will not be able to attend on site, we expect you to notify this as soon as possible via mail at, in order to avoid that you take the place of another participant that would like to be present. Online participation will still be possible in that case.
A limited number of parking places are available on site. Those who would like to reserve one, please contact
We’re looking forward to meeting you at this symposium!
08h30-09h15 Welcome coffee
09h15-09h20 Opening of the symposium by the president | Sofie De Broe live presentation
09h20-09h50 Welcome by the general director | Christian Leonard live presentation
09h50-10h00 Opening speeches by the responsible ministers | Frank Vandenbroucke and David Clarinval
10h00-11h00 Exposome: Where chemistry meets biology | Roel Vermeulen live presentation
11h00-11h30 Coffee break
11h30-12h30 SESSION I: Crisis preparedness / innovation
- New monitoring systems and data
Never waste a good crisis, the impact of COVID-19 on infectious disease surveillance in Belgium | Dieter Van Cauteren live presentation
Wastewater surveillance of COVID-19 and future application| Raphaël Janssens live presentation
The collection and management of real world data for public health policy: past, present and future of the platform | Johan Van Bussel live presentation
- Emerging diseases
- Preparedness for emerging vector-borne diseases: Japanese encephalitis virus interactions with indigenous mosquitoes and pigs | Nick De Regge live presentation
Zoonotic potential of the circulating highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza viruses | Mieke Steensels live presesentation
12h30-12h45 Questions and Answers
12h45-14h00 Walking LUNCH/Demonstrations Technology@sciensano
14h00-14h45 Session II: One Health
- Biodiversity in the OH programme: (un)healthy nature? |
Raf Aerts live presentation |
Steven Van Guchtlive presentation
Combining virus genomes and epidemiological tracing to understand an unexpectedly sever outbreak of avian influenza in poultry | Steven van Borm live presentation
Vaccines: major contributors to global health which improve the quality of life | Koen Brusselmans live presentation
14h45-15h00 Questions and Answers
15h00-15h30 Coffee break
15h30-16h15 Session III: Food safety and Health
Presence of PFASs in the food chain: Role of Sciensano in the recent crisis | Laure Joly live presentation
Susceptibility of vulnerable population to foodborne illness | Koenraad Van Hoorde live presentation
Healthy ageing and the food environment: Current evidence and future directions | Stefanie Vandevijvere live presentation
16h15-16h30 Questions and Answers
16h30-16h35 Closing remarks
16h35-17h30 Drinks and networking
All the powerpoint presentations will be available online after the event.