Participate in the 3rd COVID-19 Health Interview Survey during deconfinement

Published on: 
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Last updated on 7-9-2022 by Cassandre Dugailliez

The two previous COVID-19 health interview surveys could each count on more than 40,000 participants, thank you for that! Today we launch our 3rd survey, which focuses on your experiences, your health and your wellbeing during the deconfinement. We hope that we can still count on your participation!

Fill out the survey

The 3rd COVID-19 health interview survey awaits you
Are you 18 or older and living in Belgium? Then please take part in our 3rd online survey before the 5th of June. This will only take 15 minutes of your time and your participation really makes a difference.

The questionnaire is also available in Dutch, French and German.

Sharing is caring

Thanks for sharing our questionnaire as widely as possible among your friends, family, colleagues… (who are 18 years or older and live in Belgium). We are relying on you! 

The COVID-19 health interview surveys in short

These surveys support scientists and policymakers to assess the impact of the coronavirus crisis. Sciensano regularly launches a new questionnaire to:

  • assess a number of specific topics (this time, for example, we are curious about how you experience the loosening of the confinement measures);
  • monitor the evolution of recurring topics, such as mental and social well-being.

Thanks to your participation we can evaluate trends in time and study various public health topics.

Consult the preliminary results of the 1st COVID-19 health interview survey in Dutch or Frenchand 2nd COVID-19 health interview survey in Dutch or French.

Who initiated this study? 

Sciensano researchers led by Dr. Karin De Ridder and Stefaan Demarest from the service Lifestyle and chronic diseases.

Protection of your data and rights

Participation is totally voluntary and you can decide to discontinue your participation at any time. The information you provide via the questionnaire will only be used for the goals mentioned above. Sciensano will only use this information to compile general statistics. Scientific publications can be created based on the results of the research, but your individual data will never be passed on to third parties.

The encrypted data shall be retained for the necessary duration of the research project. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access, modify or delete your data during this period. You can request Sciensano to do this via our online form. If you choose to share your email address for the follow-up study, this email address will only be retained until the end of the data collection of the COVID-19 health interview surveys and will be deleted afterwards, except if you wish to participate in future Sciensano studies.

Questions or complaints about data protection

If you have any question about data protection, please contact the Sciensano Data Protection Officer via or 02/642 51 02. If you have a complaint about how your data is being processed, you can contact the Belgian data protection authority: Drukpersstraat 35 — 1000 Brussels — Tel.: 02/274 48 00 — e-mail:


If you would like additional information or if ou experience a technical problem, you can always contact us!


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