KAP-MOSQ - Knowledge, attitude and practices on mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in the Belgian adult population

Last updated on 14-10-2024 by Valeska Laisnez
Project duration:
August 1, 2022
December 31, 2022

In short

Mosquito-borne diseases are non-endemic in Europe but have become more prevalent over recent years. We can expect in the near future also in Belgium sporadic outbreaks. Human behaviour is key in prevention of such diseases. Therefore, Sciensano scientists conducted a survey in 2022 to get an understanding of the knowledge and behaviour of the Belgian adult population towards mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases. The results can support authorities in correct information of the population.

Project description

Emerging mosquito-borne diseases 

As a result of globalization, changes in land use and climate change, mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit can spread to regions where they haven’t been present before. Outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and zikavirus infection could become a reality in Belgium in the coming years, as it is already the case in neighbouring countries e.g. France: 

  • Punctual introductions of the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus, the most important vector in Europe for the viruses causing these diseases) have repeatedly been reported in Belgium during previous years, and the mosquito could become established in the (near) future
  • The increasing number of travellers returning from disease-endemic countries further enhance the risk for local transmission of mosquito-borne diseases in Belgium.


A good knowledge of the public on mosquitoes and their behaviour, and appropriate preventive actions against mosquitoes, are key in the preparedness of the Belgian population for newly emerging mosquito-borne diseases, as interventions to prevent or control mosquito-borne diseases are limited and require actions of the citizens:

  • limiting mosquito breeding sites
  • prevention of mosquitoes in houses
  • prevention of mosquito bites. 


Results of the study and action points for the future

Almost half of the 776 study participants (62% females) experienced frequent or very frequent nuisance from mosquitoes during the mosquito season, therefore mosquitoes certainly seem to be a topic of public interest. In general, participants had high scores on the ‘knowledge’ questions, especially regarding the ecology of mosquitoes (biting and breeding behaviour). However, only 20% of participants were able to correctly classify all images of insects as ‘mosquito’ or ‘other insect’.

Participants perceived the severity of mosquito borne viruses (MBVs) as high, but their perception of susceptibility to MBVs was lower. Participants were most motivated to take preventive measures upon observing mosquitoes in and around the house. Participants had limited confidence in finding information on preventive measures and in recognizing and removing breeding sites.

Although almost all participants took at least one preventive measure against mosquitoes and mosquito bites, only half of the participants removed stagnant water from places in and around the house.

Based on our results, we suggest several action points for future information campaigns.

  • Recognition of mosquitoes among other insects should be improved.
  • Citizens should be sensitised to identify and remove potential breeding sites for mosquitoes e.g. in their gardens.
  • Information campaigns should sensitise the general public about mosquitoes and preventive actions that can be taken throughout the mosquito season (rather than only after mosquitoes are noticed in and around the house).
  • Finally, there is a need for more public sensitisation on the future risk of mosquito-borne viral infections in Belgium.


The full report of the study can be found here in Dutch and French.

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