In vitro 50 Hz magnetic field long-term exposure: Cytogenetic tests on human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells and validation of the test environment

Last updated on 11-12-2020 by Jill Alexandre

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



Potential health effects of extremely low-frequency (electro)magnetic fields (ELF-(E)MFs) have long been investigated, but the results are still inconclusive. With respect to genotoxicity, sound data related to the effects of long-term exposure to ELF-(E)MFs on the genetic material and the impact of long-term pre-exposure to ELF-(E)MFs on the sensitivity of cells to the damage induced by known mutagens are needed. In this manuscript, an optimized protocol for a combined in vitro comet/micronucleus study to investigate these effects in a human lymphoblastoid cell line (TK6) is prov…

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