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Résultats de la recherche - 48 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

water, the DNA was extracted with two classical commercial kits or with a kit performing depletion of the host DNA. The extracted DNA also was amplified or not using Phi29 polymerase. We showed that all ...

Development of a Taxon-Specific Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method to Detect Trichoderma reesei Contaminations in Fermentation Products

Recently, a genetically modified microorganism (GMM) detection strategy using real-time PCR technology was developed to control fermentation products commercialized in the food and feed chain, allowing ...

Targeted High-Throughput Sequencing Enables the Detection of Single Nucleotide Variations in CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-Edited Organisms

and their derived food/feed products commercialized on the European Union market fall within the scope of European Union Directive 2001/18/ EC. Consequently, their control in the food/feed chain by GMO ...

Metagenomic Characterization of Multiple Genetically Modified Bacillus Contaminations in Commercial Microbial Fermentation Products

reported in numerous commercial microbial fermentation produce types, leading to several rapid alerts at the European level. The aim of this study was to investigate the added value of shotgun metagenomic ...

Healthy Data, an online citizen consultation about health data reuse – intermediate report

wrote about ‘my data’, ‘I own my data’, ‘I should be in control’. On the other hand, they would talk about reuse systems, platforms, scientific research, databases, commercial use, … which can all be ...

Le Débat des Données, une consultation citoyenne en ligne sur la réutilisation des données de santé – Rapport intermédiaire

»). D’autre part, ils ont discuté de systèmes de réutilisation des données, de plateformes, de recherche scientifique, de base de données, d’usage commercial, etc. qui peuvent être définis comme des ...

Shotgun metagenomics as a ONE Health tool for better protecting human health

each other, and also to the results obtained with conventional methods. Results: A commercial kit was selected and optimized for the extraction of sufficient high-molecular weight DNA, to match the needs ...

Pesticide Use in Market Gardening and Perceived Risk of Consumers Exposed to Pesticide Residues

and awareness on pesticide residues, on the other hand. The results revealed that various phytosanitary products have been used by market gardeners (43 commercial products containing 39 different active ...

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