Résultats de la recherche - 15 results

Qualitative study to assess citizens’ perception of sharing health data for secondary use and recommendations on how to engage citizens in the EHDS

the secondary use of their health data and their role in its governance. These citizen recommendations are also informed by the Healthy Data literature review, expert interviews and national and ...

Healthy Data, an online citizen consultation about health data reuse – intermediate report

of their data and their role in this governance. The Healthy Data online consultation platform aimed to inform citizens about health data reuse, deliberate together with citizens about an ethical, ...

Informatiebrochure over gezondheidsdata: "Zorg voor je data"

van gezondheidsvaardigheden te dichten. En om de ethische en governance vraagstukken in dialoog met burgers aan te pakken. Zorg dragen voor je data is een eerste stap op weg naar medezeggenschap en ...

Citizens’ perception of and engagement with health data secondary use and sharing in Europe – a literature review

secondary use and sharing of health data. Citizens’ role and involvement Our review highlights the relative novelty of perceiving the citizen-patient as a key actor of the governance of health data secondary ...

Stakeholders' interviews- citizen engagement in health data secondary use and sharing: Summary report

expectations regarding data, particularly from a European perspective; their knowledge and projection of the perceptions and role that citizens could play in the governance of a European health data space. The ...

Burden and Risk Assessment of Foodborne Disease

who allows contamination, and the government agencies that monitor, investigate, and regulate all incur costs from foodborne disease. Accordingly, economists have been very interested in assessing the ...

Health and economic burden of Campylobacter

countries. Estimates of the Campylobacter cost-of-illness (COI) are available for several countries, and information is increasingly being generated on industry and government costs. Health Topics:  Burden of ...

Resultaten van de 6e nationale campagne ter bevordering van de handhygiëne in ziekenhuizen, 2014-2015

financial support of the federal government. In addition a user friendly online tool for data entry and real-time local feedbacks to the hospitals may have contributed to its success. Lower compliance rates ...

Résultats de la 6e campagne nationale pour la promotion de l'hygiène des mains dans les hôpitaux 2014-2015

financial support of the federal government. In addition a user friendly online tool for data entry and real-time local feedbacks to the hospitals may have contributed to its success. Lower compliance rates ...

Résultats de la 5ème campagne nationale pour la promotion de l'hygiène des mains dans les hôpitaux 2013

by the multimodal methodology of awareness campaign, the repetition of the campaign, the nation-wide scale of the campaign and the political and financial support of the federal government. The latter ...

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