Résultats de la recherche - 18 results

Prevalence of drug use before and during imprisonment in seven European countries (2014–2018)

Journal of Community Psychology (2023) Abstract: Substance use is a global phenomenon that is particularly affecting the prison population. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of drug use among ...

Prevalence of drug use before and during imprisonment in seven European countries (2014-2018)

Psychol (2023) Keywords: criminal justice system drugs Europe prevalence prisons Substance use survey Abstract: Substance use is a global phenomenon that is particularly affecting the prison population. ...

Signals from the future: Exploring implications for drug policies

participants to basic foresight approaches and mutual learning practices for exploring the dynamics of future uncertainties and change in the drugs field. The overall aim of DRUG- PREP is to contribute to ...

Applying and implementing future-oriented methods on a national level; towards enhanced policy and service preparedness to threats in the drugs domain

multi-source qualitative research (literature research, Reitox workbook consultations, key stakeholder interviews and focus groups) is combined with more innovative future-oriented approaches (e.g. horizon ...

Which drugs of choice are on the rise or in decline? A trend analysis of Belgium’s treatment settings (2015-2019)

significantly more by people entering treatment in 2019, although their contribution to the total number is still limited. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to ...

Complexity and differentiation of the MDMA retail market: insights from the European Web Survey on Drugs

users. Through this analysis, this paper shows how using web surveys for drug data collection can be an effective way to develop a better understanding of the use of particular forms of drugs. This is ...

Synthetic Cannabinoids and Cannabis: How the Patterns of Use Differ: Results from the European Web Survey on Drugs

(2022) Keywords: cannabis new psychoactive substances Synthetic cannabinoids Web Survey on Drugs Abstract: The aim of the current study is to assess if the patterns of use, socio-demographic ...

Chemometrics and infrared spectroscopy – A winning team for the analysis of illicit drug productsAbstract

time in the context of the analysis of illicit drugs, and their use is increasing due to the development of more performant portable devices and easy application in the context of harm reduction through ...

Prevalence Estimation Of HCV Among People Who Inject Drugs In Belgium Through Respondent Driven Sampling, Capture-Recapture And Multiplier Method

Estimates about the number of people living with HCV in Belgium are rare and even less is known about the prevalence of HCV among PWID. Methods: Between February and April 2019, PWID were recruited in ...

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