Résultats de la recherche - 22 results

Time series modelling for wastewater-based epidemiology of COVID-19: A nationwide study in 40 wastewater treatment plants of Belgium, February 2021 to June 2022

per SD increase, respectively. In 38/40 WWTP s, variants did not explain variability in RNA levels independent of cases. Furthermore, our study shows that RNA levels can lead incident cases by at least ...

Risk Factors Associated with Severe RSV Infection in Infants: What Is the Role of Viral Co-Infections?

Abstract: The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) represents the leading cause of viral lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in children worldwide and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality ...

Evaluation of a Liquid Media MALDI-TOF MS Protocol for the Identification of Dermatophytes Isolated from Infections.

difference between both methods (= 0.96)). Conclusions The newly designed liquid MALDI- TOF MS protocol did not lead to a significantly shorter turnaround time for the identification of dermatophytes isolated ...

The bacteriophage LUZ24 "Igy" peptide inhibits the Pseudomonas DNA gyrase.

replication and leads to cell death also in fluoroquinolone-resistant bacterial isolates. These data highlight the potential of discovering phage-inspired leads for antibiotics development, supported by ...

QuilA-Adjuvanted T. gondii Lysate Antigens Trigger Robust Antibody and IFNγ+ T Cell Responses in Pigs Leading to Reduction in Parasite DNA in Tissues Upon Challenge InfectionImage

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Mizanur Rahman; Devriendt, Bert; I. Gisbert Algaba; Bavo Verhaegen; Dorny, Pierre; Katelijne Dierick; Cox, Eric Source: Frontiers in Immunology, Volume 10 (2019) Keywords: magnetic capture-qPCR P ...

Alternating patterns of seasonal influenza activity in the WHO European Region following the 2009 pandemic, 2010-2018.

and lead to substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. We characterized the first eight influenza epidemics since the 2009 influenza pandemic by describing the distribution of viruses and epidemics ...

A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses

genomes is shown for the first time. Conclusions PCR is a reliable user-friendly technique that can be applied in remote areas. Such multiplex methods enable early and efficient diagnosis, leading to rapid ...

A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses.

multiplex methods enable early and efficient diagnosis leading to rapid treatment and effective confinement in outbreak cases as well as being an aid for surveillance and the full validation permits easy ...

Determinants of persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations in human breast milk of a cross-sectional sample of primiparous mothers in Belgium

food chain can lead to high pollutant concentrations in human fat-containing tissues and breast milk. Objectives We aimed to identify the maternal characteristics that determined POP concentrations in ...

Evolution of educational inequalities in life and health expectancies at 25 years in Belgium between 2001 and 2011: a census-based study

calculated for each inequality index. Results: The LE increased in all EL s and both genders, except in the lowest EL for women. The increase was larger in the highest EL, leading in 2011 to 6.07 and 4.58 ...

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