Résultats de la recherche - 8 results

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among fully vaccinated adults in Belgium

a documented COVID-19 infection) factors associated with the first and second booster uptake. Methods We used individually-linked data from the Belgian COVID-19 vaccine registry and the COVID-19 test database to ...

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among fully vaccinated adults in Belgium

data from the Belgian COVID-19 vaccine registry and the COVID-19 test database to determine booster uptake among the 18+ Belgian population having completed the primary vaccination course (PC). We ...

Belgian NMD registry

neuromuscular diseases registry BNMDR Abstract: This presentation gives a brief overview of the Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry and includes information on the set up, overall numbers, projects ...

Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry, information brochure for patients, 2020

neuromuscular diseases registry BNMDR brochure patients Abstract: Neuromuscular diseases are rare diseases but are affecting more than 250 000 people in Europe. Together we can make a difference. Join us! Health ...

Affiliation to the Treat-NMD Consortium Using an Agreed Minimum Dataset Allows Small Registries and Large Registries to Collaborate Together

Guillaume Bassez; Hannah Murray; Helen Walker; Craig Campbell; Myotonic Dystrophy TREAT-NMD Working Group Source: IDMC12, IDMC, Gothenburg, Sweden (2019) Keywords: Belgium neuromusculars diseases registry ...

Who is reported in the Belgian, Dutch and French CF registries.

Cystic Fibrosis Conference, NA, Issue European Cystic Fibrosis, NA (2012) Keywords: Belgian conference Cystic Fibrosis European Fibrosis IS REGISTRIES Registry WHO Abstract: Not available Health Topics:  ...

Social challenges facing the cystic fibrosis patients in Belgium on their path to adulthood.

Belgium challenge conference Cystic Fibrosis European Fibrosis IS ON Patient patients REGISTRIES Registry SOCIAL WHO Abstract: Not available Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la ...

Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry (BNMDR): Results and trends of the 2017 data collection

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Marjan Cosyns Source: Séminaire de neurosciences cliniques à l'hôpital Erasme (2018) Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekt ...

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