Résultats de la recherche - 13 results

Development of novel analytical methods to trace small micro- and nanoplastics in food matrices

Foods,-, Paris, France (2023) Keywords: analytical methods food matrices microplastics nanoplastics Abstract: In the last decades, our life style significantly changed, for instance in terms of consumption ...

Pesticides, trace elements and pharmaceuticals in tea samples available in Belgian retail shops and the risk associated upon acute and chronic exposure

Part B (2022) Keywords: Pesticide residues tea and herbal teas Trace Elements Abstract: Over the last decade, the consumption of tea and herbal tea has gained more and more popularity across the globe, ...

Estimating national and subnational nutrient intake distributions of global diets

sex, and age groups. We estimated intake inadequacy for 16 nutrients based on a harmonized set of nutrient requirements and bioavailability estimates. Last, we created an R package-nutriR-to make these ...

Sensitivity of candling as routine method for the detection and recovery of ascaridoids in commercial fish fillets.

flaps, therefore we either advise the removal or proper freezing of this part. Lastly, the Se and larval recovery was the highest for the darker and larger Pseudoterranova spp. larvae. Due to the low ...

Sociocultural Influences on Food Choices and Implications for Sustainable Healthy Diets.

food choice values to support policy planning and design. Lastly, we explore how sociocultural change for sustainable or healthy diets is already happening through food movements, food lifestyles, and ...

Open Lab Application for the Characterization of Nanomaterials by Transmission Electron Microscopy

dedicated infrastructures remain limited to specialized research institutions. Over the last years the National Reference Laboratory for Nanomaterials in Food of Sciensano (Belgium) has acquired high level ...

Comparison of SNP-based subtyping workflows for bacterial isolates using WGS data, applied to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:.

Besides the technological advances which have pushed the approach forward, the last years have been marked by considerable evolution of the whole genome sequencing data analysis methods. Prior to ...

Assessment of dietary intake of 10 intense sweeteners by the Italian population.

the tiered approach. Food consumption data from the last Italian national survey (INRAN- SCAI 2005-06) were combined with Maximum Levels at Tier 2, and with the actual concentration of sweeteners in the ...

Protocol of the Belgian food consumption survey 2014: objectives, design and methods.

consumption data are essential to evaluate and develop nutrition and food safety policies. The last national food consumption survey in Belgium took place in 2004 among the Belgian population aged 15 years and ...

The European COPHES/DEMOCOPHES project: towards transnational comparability and reliability of human biomonitoring results.

phthalate metabolites and 5 for bisphenol A in urine. In the last of the four external quality assessment exercises the laboratories that qualified for DEMOCOPHES performed the determinations in urine with ...

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