Résultats de la recherche - 26 results

Time series modelling for wastewater-based epidemiology of COVID-19: A nationwide study in 40 wastewater treatment plants of Belgium, February 2021 to June 2022

multiple factors impede the usefulness of WBE and quantitative adjustment may be required. Aim: We aimed to model the relationship between WBE data and incident COVID-19 cases, while adjusting for ...

A global genomic analysis of Salmonella Concord reveals lineages with high antimicrobial resistance in Ethiopia.

super-lineages. Super-lineage A is composed of eight S. Concord lineages, of which four are associated with multiple countries and low levels of AMR. Other lineages are restricted to Ethiopia and horizontally ...

Continued Circulation of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Variants and Detection of Novel Transmission Foci, the Netherlands.

indicated that 3 different variants of the TBEV-Eu subtype circulate in the Netherlands, suggesting multiple independent introductions. Combined with recent human cases outside known TBEV hotspots, our data ...

High diversity of yeast species and strains responsible for vulvovaginal candidiasis in South-East Gabon.

genetic structure of the C. albicans strains was determined by multiple locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis using 4 microsatellite markers. RESULTS: The mean and median age of the patients was 31 ...

Epidemiological, clinical and radiological characteristics of people with neurocysticercosis in Tanzania-A cross-sectional study.

in Vwawa, 32% in Tukuyu and 31% in Ifisi). Most PWE with NCC had multiple lesions and mostly parenchymal lesions (at least 85%). If patients were serologically positive, they had in the median more ...

Genomic epidemiology of persistently circulating MDR Shigella sonnei strains associated with men who have sex with men (MSM) in Belgium (2013–19)

than isolates from women. Multiple co-circulating MDR S. sonnei clusters of different genotypes were identified in the MSM community. Further studies on risk groups are needed for targeted prevention, ...

Optimization of Long-Acting Bronchodilator Dose Ratios Using Isolated Guinea Pig Tracheal Rings for Synergistic Combination Therapy in Asthma and COPD.

interaction. Among the dose ratios studied for both types of combination, a higher synergistic potential was highlighted for FOR / TIO 2:1 (). This was done through three steps by using multiple additions of ...

Healthy Data, an online citizen consultation about health data reuse – intermediate report

actors can be beneficial in multiple ways, a strong majority shares their concerns regarding their involvement within health data reuse. Participants referred to the need to protect their privacy and to ...

Le Débat des Données, une consultation citoyenne en ligne sur la réutilisation des données de santé – Rapport intermédiaire

commerciales, qui sont souvent mentionnées dans les contributions des participants. Si certains participants avancent qu’impliquer des acteurs privés peut être bénéfique à de multiples égards, la majorité a fait ...

A Belgian student with black eschars.

smallpox vaccination in the 1980s. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the first case of a human cowpox infection in an unvaccinated Belgian citizen. This 19-year-old student presented with multiple necrotic skin ...

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