Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

Complexity and differentiation of the MDMA retail market: insights from the European Web Survey on Drugs

users. Through this analysis, this paper shows how using web surveys for drug data collection can be an effective way to develop a better understanding of the use of particular forms of drugs. This is ...

Chemometrics and infrared spectroscopy – A winning team for the analysis of illicit drug productsAbstract

the advantages of the combination of spectroscopy with chemometrics. Next to an overview of the literature, the review also tries to emphasize the shortcomings of the presented research papers and to ...

Analytical characterization of "etonitazepyne," a new pyrrolidinyl-containing 2-benzylbenzimidazole opioid sold online.

Source: Drug Test Anal, Volume 13, Issue 9, Number 1636 (2021) Keywords: Benzimidazoles etonitazene new psychoactive substances opioid NPS pyrrolidine analogue Abstract: This paper reports on the ...

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