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Résultats de la recherche - 20 results

BSFM 2023- L. monocytogenes in Plant-Based Foods: insights from of a recent foodborne outbreak linked to vegan alternative to cheese

was performed for clustering analysis. Discussion Due to the growing demand for novel and alternative food products among the population, concerns are raised about the potential risks associated with ...

Strain-level characterization without culture enrichment? Easing and accelerating outbreak investigation using shotgun metagenomics facilitated with nanopore adaptive sampling

adaptive sampling, following whole genome amplification to increase the amount of genetic material to meet sequencing standards. The strain-level data analysis was performed as previously described (Buytaers ...

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

water, the DNA was extracted with two classical commercial kits or with a kit performing depletion of the host DNA. The extracted DNA also was amplified or not using Phi29 polymerase. We showed that all ...

Development of a genoserotyping system for the identification of Salmonella serotypes

methods for Salmonella serotyping, i.e. slide-agglutination and biochemical tests, are expensive, time-consuming and subjective. Therefore, highly trained and experienced technicians are required to perform ...

Open Lab Application for the Characterization of Nanomaterials by Transmission Electron Microscopy

expertise and instrumentation to measure the size, morphology, crystallographic structure and chemical composition of a wide range of NM by EM. Identification and measurement of particles can be performed in ...

Study of the possible migration risks of food contact materials for children under 3 years

recommended as a simulant for milk. After sterilisation of the bottle during ten minutes with boiling water, three migrations were performed during 2h at 70 °C. Firstly, a liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) of the ...

Strategies to detect unauthorized GMO in the food and feed chain (PhD thesis)

associations of elements typically found in transgenic constructs allow to confirm the presence of GMO in food/feed matrices. Due to its good performance thoroughly assessed via several unprocessed and processed ...

Strategies to detect unauthorized genetically modified organisms in food and feed chain

transgenic cassette and the plant genome as well as the associations of elements typically found in transgenic constructs allow to confirm the presence of GMO in food/feed matrices. Due to its good performance ...

Physical Characterization of Nanomaterials in Dispersion by Transmission Electron Microscopy in a Regulatory Framework

of primary particle properties, and validation of the measurement results can be performed. The possibility to extract 3D information by fractal analysis of electron micrographs of aggregated ...

In vitro model to study the endocrine disrupting activity of migration products from plastic food contact materials

a recent study performed by Simoneau & al, 2012. Human estrogen receptor agonistic and antagonistic activities of 25 pure compounds were measured using MCF7- ER cells (genetically modified MCF7 cells). ...

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