Antirabies antibody testing - Seroneutralisation test (RFFIT)

Last updated on 7-1-2025 by Anonymous (not verified)

The presence of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies (minimum titer of 0.5 IU/ml) is a entry requirement for several countries including the European Union. The presence of these antibodies can be determined using a rabies virus neutralising antibody test. The National Reference Laboratory for rabies uses the RFFIT (Rapid Fluorescent Foci Inhibition Test), the FAVN (Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralisation) is not performed by our laboratory.

Before organizing their journey, owners are strongly advised to contact competent authorities of the country of destination to take note of other conditions. More info about EU legislation can also be found here (

In order to submit samples to our lab for titrating rabies neutralizing antibodies, please fill in the request form found below. The requesting veterinarian is and remains responsible for the accuracy of the data mentioned on the request form.

If samples are shipped from outside EU, we recommend you to follow the instructions given in the informative document below. The shipper is and remains responsible for his/her own shipment until its reception by the reception desk of Sciensano.

The RFFIT cannot be used as a diagnostic tool to exclude exposure or infection of the animal.


The test is always invoice to the requesting veterinarian or the requesting laboratory by email (if available) or regular mail.

Results will always be send by (regular) mail to the requesting veterinarian or the requesting laboratory. If the email address of the owner and/or veterinarian are mentioned on the request form, a digital copy will be send to this address. 

Service in charge of the analysis

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