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Dr. Vanessa Mathys PhD
Unit Head “Tuberculosis and Mycobacteria”
Dr Vanessa Mathys is the head of the Belgian Reference Laboratory for “Tuberculosis and Mycobacteria” in Sciensano since 2012.
Her main educational background includes a Master in Biomedical Sciences and a PhD in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences obtained in 2009 (on the mechanisms of resistance developed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis against anti-tuberculosis drugs). In 2009, she also obtained a certificate in Laboratory Animal Science. Since 2012, Vanessa Mathys is one of the TB support Experts of ERLN-TB (European Reference Laboratory Network for Tuberculosis) and the National Focal Point for TB Surveillance.
As head of the TB National Reference Laboratory, she is responsible for the diagnostic activities realized under ISO15189 accreditation (species identification, drug susceptibility testing, detection of mutations involved in resistance and genotyping), the organisation of national quality controls and participation to international quality controls. She is also responsible for the compliance with the quality assurance system and the activities in BSL3 facilities. She participates to outbreak investigations and is member of the network for surveillance of multidrug resistant TB in Belgium.
Vanessa Mathys is partner in different research projects mainly working on the molecular mechanisms of resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs and on the evaluation of the efficacy of new drugs on active and latent tuberculosis using animal models (mice/rats).