BECRA - Belgian Cancer Research Alliance

Last updated on 12-8-2024 by Lieke Vervoort
Project duration:
May 17, 2024
Project with no end date

In short

The Belgian Cancer Research Alliance (BeCRA) was created by Sciensano to optimally respond to the European Commission within the EBCP, the Mission on Cancer (MoC) and Digital Europe with the aim to create the environment to optimise cancer research at national level, addressing priority unmet medical needs. BECRA represents a voluntary consortium of Belgian cancer research institutes, university hospitals and public funders. BeCRA has three major goals:

  1. Guarantee optimal positioning of Belgian cancer researchers at EU level ensure long term investment and excellence
  2. Plan cancer research (and allocate resources) in a most effective way
  3. Organise and rationalise Belgian cancer care (including access)

Project description

BECRA was founded by Sciensano and acts as a single central point of contact for cancer research related matters in Belgium providing science-based decision making on cancer health care matters and focusing on translation ‘Bench to Bed’ mission – connect fundamental research to clinical.
It acts as a translational interface between EU and local level and will support the development of EU initiatives and joint actions such as:

  • DRUP-like trial (treatment): repurposing of existing drugs (precision medicine)
  • EHDS linkage – usecase (CGP diagnosis) 
  • EUCAIM – usecase (Cancer Images) 
  • JA CraNE setting the scene of a EU Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres (and the follow-up to JA Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures) – Only adults
  • JANE setting the scene for 7 new Networks of Expertise and the follow-up JA Networks of Expertise – Also adolescents and young adults
  • JA eCAN promoting telemedicine and telemonitoring
  • JA on Precision Medicine
  • to support the creation of a European Federated Cancer Research data hub and to generate a series of use cases, addressing major challenges in cancer research


This steering group of the BeCRA was installed to set out the (operational) framework, including the approach in relation to the Be-EBCP mirror group, the communication flow to ensure all members are fully informed, the various ‘layers’ of members (core, associate…). In a next phase, expert groups on specific topics will be set-up. A stakeholder’s Forum will be organized within the framework of the EBCP mirror group on a yearly basis. 

BeCRA is a voluntary collaborative endeavour; financial and in-kind contributions are voluntary. BeCRA welcomes all public research funders to join the alliance. Future collaboration opportunities  with private partners will be considered with the goal of bringing forward innovation from the bench to the patient through constructive discussions.

The BE-EBCP Mirror Group 

The Be-EBCP mirror group was launched in October 2021. This stakeholder platform involves Belgian representatives of federal/regional health agencies, universities, professional societies, patient/citizen organisations and industry. It consists to date over 400 members. BeCRA wants to act as a key player in the Belgium Cancer Research field and actively interacts and participates with the different TWGs of the Be-EBCP MG.

BeCRA partners agree to drive response to calls, suggest new opportunities and support implementing outcomes of research projects into the national Health Care System.

European context

In 2020, 2.7 million people in the European Union were diagnosed with cancer, and another 1.3 million people lost their lives to it. Lives lost to cancer in the EU are set to increase by more than 24% by 2035, making it the leading cause of death in the EU. Economic impact of cancer in Europe is estimated to exceed €100 billion annually.
Personalized medicine has radically changed patients’ prognoses. Meanwhile, research and innovation, such as cancer Genomics and Precision Oncology, have significantly advanced our understanding of cancer initiation and progression, prevention and diagnosis. The aim of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is to tackle the entire disease pathway. 

The Mission on Cancer of the Horizon Europe program, will be a major component of the EU’s investment in cancer research and innovation. Horizon Europe will also fund research infrastructures, cloud computing and European Innovation Council actions. The proposed Innovative Health Initiative will help create an EU-wide research and innovation ecosystem (promoting cooperation between private industries, academies, stakeholders).
Sciensano is coordinating BeCRA’s activities by providing scientific support and communication related to ongoing projects, acting as the intermediary between the consortium and the relevant stakeholders.


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