In short
Cancer is a major societal challenge. Current projection is that, without strong action, the incidence will increase by a fifth by 2040, representing up to 5.323.141 cancer cases in Europe. The European Commission (EC) wants to tackle cancer through two major initiatives:
Minister Frank Vandenbroucke has appointed the Cancer Centre to coordinate the implementation of the EBCP in Belgium in consultation with the Cabinet, the FPS Health and the National Health and Disability Insurance RIZIV/INAMI.
Project description
The Be-EBPC Mirror Group will involve Belgian policy organisations, professional groups, patient associations and scientific researchers, and industry. As coordinator, the CC will :
- develop content
- consult with Belgian partners and authorities
- provide support
- link to other initiatives within Belgium and internationally.
A standardized workflow will be deployed starting with the launch of Thematic Working Groups (TWGs). The following TWGs have been proposed:
- Prevention, early detection and screening
- Diagnosis and treatment
- Care organisation and survivorship
- Citizen and patient engagement
- Children, adolescents and young adults (CAYAs) with cancer
- Data, innovation, and artificial intelligence
Nb: The topics “research”, “inequalities” and “quality of life” are no longer covered in a specific TWG, but as a transversal topic which will be covered horizontally across the whole cancer continuum, in all of the thematic working groups.
Interested in participating?
In these Thematic Working Groups we look forward to the participation of health care providers, researchers, academics, health policy planners and regulators, as well as representatives of professionals societies and patients… Therefore, if you are interested, please let us know which TWG you would like to join.
Express your interest, and have your voice heard on these topics!
TWGs serve in an advisory capacity by identifying the EC’s proposals most relevant to address cancer needs and challenges in Belgium, and also by proposing relevant topics to include in future EU calls. Whereas some calls will be more a prerogative at federal level (i.e. Joint Actions are direct grants to EU-MS national competent authorities), others will be more relevant for research centres and agencies that concentrate expertise in specific domains (i.e. Action grants). The activities will be monitored by a steering group chaired by the Cancer Centre, with representatives from the Federal Ministry of Health, the RIZIV-INAMI and the services of the Federal Minister of Health.
The expected results are:
- better alignment of Belgium’s cancer policy aims, and field activities with EBCP
- systematic identification of funding opportunities for cancer research, care and control
- optimized allocation of resources in a competitive and complex tendering environment
- uptake of interventions that reduce the cancer burden, and improve the care, survival, and quality of life of patients in Belgium.
- strengthened collaborations amongst national cancer stakeholders and EU counterparts
Read the concept note on this initiative
Related projects
- CAN.HEAL, Building the EU Cancer and Public Health Genomics
- CanScreen-ECIS, Strengthening Cancer Screening data collection to update European Cancer Information System and improve quality and coverage of cancer screening programmes in Europe
- CRaNE, Joint Action on EU Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres
- eCAN, Joint Action on strengthening ehealth including telemedicine and remote monitoring for health care systems for cancer prevention and care
- ECHoS, Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies
- GDI, Genomic Data Infrastructure
- JANE, Joint Action on European Networks of Expertise
- PERCH, PartnERship to Contrast HPV
- : A Coordination and Support Action to prepare platform
- EUCAIM, EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages
- EHDS pilot, — European health data space pilot for secondary use of health data
- CCI4EU, Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures for Europe
- ORION, Joint Action on Contribution to the Cancer Inequalities Registry to Monitor National Cancer Control Policies
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