Onglets principaux
Dr. Wim Van Molle PhD
Quality assessor and vaccine release responsible
Since 2008, Dr Wim Van Molle is working at Sciensano, Belgium, in the division of Quality of Vaccines and Blood Products (QVBP), where he is responsible for vaccine batch release and evaluation of the quality part of registration and variation dossiers of vaccines and biologicals. Wim is also actively involved in scientific advice procedures at national and European level and participates as product expert in GMP inspections on the request of the Belgian (FAMHP) and European (EMA) medicines agency. Dr. Van Molle is a member of the Group 15 (Vaccines and Sera for Human use) at the EDQM/Ph.Eur. and is actively involved in European IMI projects.
At Sciensano, he is manager of the unit for Cellular and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, involved in quality release testing of vaccines and blood derived medicinal products.
Wim works as auditor for the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM), Strasbourg, France where he is frequently asked to participate in mutual joined audits of European control laboratories. He is also in firm collaborations with the World Health Organization (WHO) as temporary advisor in the framework of the regulatory strengthening of regulatory authorities (NRA assessments) and the Global Learning Opportunities program on vaccine dossier evaluation.
Dr Van Molle holds a Master in Biotechnology and obtained a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Ghent, Belgium and worked for over 10 year in the academic field, followed by a 2 year period at the Belgian regulatory authority before joining Sciensano.