Résultats de la recherche - 61 results

First Belgian Report of Ertapenem Resistance in an ST11 Klebsiella Pneumoniae Strain Isolated from a Dog Carrying blaSCO-1 and blaDHA-1 Combined with Permeability Defects

plasmid is worrisome as it can increase the risk of transmission to humans, to animals and to the environment. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten ...

[Foot and mouth disease virus: transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and surveillance].

absence of cross-immunity between its seven serotypes, its ability to survive in the environment, its high contagiousness, its wide range of hosts and its particular biology, FMDV remains of major interest ...

Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A novel approach to understanding and managing disease in livestock and aquaculture

impact on the health of people and the environment. These investments require a baseline metric that describes the burden of animal health and welfare in order to justify and prioritise resource allocation ...

Roll-out of the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme

—eg, production of greenhouse gases, environmental degradation, emergence of zoonotic diseases, and antimicrobial resistance. Furthermore, excessive consumption of some livestock products is linked to risk of ...

Effect of residual doxycycline concentrations on resistance selection and transfer in porcine commensal escherichia coli.

concentrations in the complex environment of the porcine intestinal microbiota. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  4.03 Veterinary science ...

Polyphosphates and Fulvates Enhance Environmental Stability of PO4-Bearing Colloidal Iron Oxyhydroxides.

vectors of phosphate (PO4) in the environment. Their mobility is determined by colloidal stability, which is affected by surface composition. This might be manipulated in engineered NP s for environmental ...

Impact of Age, Season, and Flowing vs. Stagnant Water Habitat on Avian Influenza Prevalence in Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) in Belgium.

and prevalence of infection from swan populations living on stagnant water vs. flowing water, suggesting that stagnant water provides a more-favorable environment for LPAI persistence and transmission. ...

One Decade of Active Avian Influenza Wild Bird Surveillance in Belgium Showed a Higher Viroprevalence in Hunter-Harvested Than in Live-Ringed Birds.

environment, leading to increased AI presence in the environment. Consequently, the release of naïve or infected restocking birds may affect AI  dynamics. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS ...

Protozoan Cysts Act as a Survival Niche and Protective Shelter for Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria.

Viability Abstract: The production of cysts, an integral part of the life cycle of many free-living protozoa, allows these organisms to survive adverse environmental conditions. Given the prevalence of ...

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