Medical analysis request

Sciensano is recognized by INAMI-RIZIV for the analyses of clinical microbiology which are performed in our national reference centres. It are mainly second-line analyses (confirmations, typings, etc.) although also first-line analyses for less usual pathogens are performed. Sciensano is accredited ISO15189.

How to request a human microbiological analysis?

  1. Fill in the request form
  2. Prepare your shipment. A package must contain:
    1. the completed request form
    2. correctly identified samples in appropriate packaging.
  3. Send your package to the address indicated on the request form.
Pathogen(s) Description Material(s) Accreditation Turnaround time (in days) Contact person(s) Request and administrative forms
Rubella virus Rubella: IgM detection of rubella virus in serum by ELISA Serum
4 Inge Roukaerts,
Rubella virus Rubella: Rubella virus RNA detection via RT-qPCR naso pharyngeal swab
4 Inge Roukaerts,
Rubella virus Rubella: IgG detection of rubella virus in serum by ELISA Serum
4 Inge Roukaerts,
Rubella virus Rubella: IgG confirmation of rubella virus by Western Blot Serum
4 Inge Roukaerts,
Salmonella MLVA Typhimurium Strains
10 Wesley Mattheus,
Salmonella Salmonella serotyping Strains
6 Wesley Mattheus, Aanvraagformulier Salmonella en Shigella
, Formulaire de demande Salmonella et Shigella
Salmonella MIC Salmonella Strains
15 Wesley Mattheus, Aanvraagformulier Salmonella en Shigella
, Formulaire de demande Salmonella et Shigella
Salmonella MLVA Enteritidis Strains
10 Wesley Mattheus, Aanvraagformulier Salmonella en Shigella
, Formulaire de demande Salmonella et Shigella
Salmonella Luminex based Genoserotyping Salmonella Strains
6 Wesley Mattheus,
Sapovirus Detection of sapovirus faeces No Not applicable
Shigella MIC Shigella Strains
15 Wesley Mattheus,
Shigella Luminex based identification Shigella Shigella No 15 Wesley Mattheus,
Shigella Shigella serotyping Strains
15 Wesley Mattheus, Aanvraagformulier Salmonella en Shigella
, Formulaire de demande Salmonella et Shigella
Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin Detection of enterotoxin of Staphylococcus (strain) Strains No 6
Rabies virus Antirabies antibody testing - Seroneutralisation test (RFFIT) Serum
7 Sanne Terryn, Request form Rabies
Yersinia enterocolitica Confirmation of the identification of Yersinia species and biotypes Human Samples No 10 An Van den Bossche, , Wesley Mattheus, Aanvraagformulier Yersinia
, Formulaire de demande Yersinia
Yersinia enterocolitica Determination of the serotype of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Human Samples No 10 Aanvraagformulier Yersinia
, Formulaire de demande Yersinia
Yersinia enterocolitica MIC Yersinia Yersinia No 15 Wesley Mattheus,
Yersinia pestis Yersinia pestis detection by bacteriol cultivation No 5 Marcella Mori,
Yersinia pestis Yersinia pestis identification by qPCR No 5 Marcella Mori,

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Request a human microbiological analysis

Veterinary analysis request

Request a microbiological analysis of food and feed

Request a chemical analysis of food and feed

Request an environmental analysis

Request a cytogenetic analysis

Request a transmission electron microscopic analysis (nanomaterials and virus-like particles)

Request a biotechnical and molecular biological analysis

Request an analysis on consumer products

Request a pharmaceutical analysis (medicines, cosmetics, biopharmaceutical products)

Request a statistical analysis (of the public health survey or nutrition survey)