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Impurities in oil- or fat-derived food additives and compound foods (IMPOFAD)
Metal impurities in food additives and their contribution to dietary metal exposure in Belgium (METALFOOD@)
Belgian federal components and national node development for the ESFRI research infrastructure, METROFOOD, for the promotion of metrology in food and nutrition (METROFOOD-FED.BE)
Research on PFAS contamination in the food chain (PFASFORWARD)
International Food Policy Study Belgium (IFPS Belgium)
A citizen-driven crowdsourcing and feedback system to stimulate research and policy relating to Flemish and local food environments. (Citizen Science Food)
Integration of New Approach Methodologies results in chemical risk assessments: case studies addressing nanoscale considerations (NAMS4NANO)
Nanotechnologies - Guidelines for the characterisation of Certain Engineered Nanomaterials and/or materials that may contain particles at nanoscale in food products (CEN/TS)
Expertise Centre in Health Promotion for the Walloon Region (CEPS)
Consolidation of national infrastructure for combined microbiological genomic-epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases (HERA-BE-WGS)
An international research project to combat diet-related diseases through innovative diet-monitoring technologies and personalised nutrition (CO-DIET)
Union and National Capacity Building for IntegraTED Surveillance (U4S) (UNITED4Surveillance)
The societal and economic effects of public health interventions from an exposome approach: Titanium dioxide as a case study (EXPTiO2)
NEw opeN Strategy for impUrity suRveillance of commErcial microbial fermentation fooD products: Food supplements and vitamins as proof of concept (ENSURED)
Metrological traceability of measurement data from nano to small-microplastics for a greener environment and food safety (PlasticTrace)
Study of the potential migration of substances from straws and takeaway articles made from paper and board and the potential impact on public health (MIGRACARTO)
Transitioning to healthy diets from sustainable food systems in Belgium: Priority policy actions and their multiple sustainability impacts (SUSFOODBEL)
Food systems that support transitions to healthy and sustainable diets (FEAST)
Intake monitoring of food flavourings (INFLAVOUR)
Risks of new trends concerning materials and objects in contact with food (TREFCOM)
National infrastructure for genomic-epidemiologic surveillance of infectious diseases (HERA-BE-Incubator-2021)
Applicability of in silico tools to support the risk assessment of non-evaluated substances migrating from food contact materials RF 21/6349 (SILIFOOD)
Towards characterization and (quantitative) genotoxicity assessment of mycotoxin mixtures present in food (MYCX-IT)
Development of shotgun METAgenoMics apprOaches in suppoRt of Public Health fOr the next Sequencing Era (METAMORPHOSE)
Toxigenic Bacillus cereus in food: Towards a better risk assessment by means of genomic, transcriptomic and toxin production analyses (TOXCereus)
Exposure assessment of perfluoroalkyl substances as follow-up on the concerns raised in the recent draft opinion of EFSA (FLUOREX)
Risk evaluation of irrigation of lettuce, carrots and strawberries with water contaminated with microcystine (CYANTIR)
An innovative analytical platform to investigate the effect and toxicity of micro and nanoplastics (MNPs) combined with environmental contaminants on the risk of allergic disease in pre-clinical and clinical studies (IMPTOX)
Use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for the hazard assessment of nanofibres (Nanocellup)
Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs)
Intake of free glutamate (FREEGLUTAMATE)
National reference laboratory for pesticides (NRL lot1 Pesticiden)
National Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials (NRL-FCM)
National reference laboratory for environmental and process contaminants (NRL lot3 Contaminanten)
Harmonised indicators for measuring progress toward more sustainable, healthier food systems (INFORMAS 2.0)
Determination of the predominant (co-)occurrences and single and combined exposures of food additives in the diet of different groups of the Belgian population (MULTI_EXP_ADD)
Strengthen the capacity of governments and researchers in the evaluation of public policies on healthy food environments in Francophone West Africa to prevent the triple burden of malnutrition (NCDs-WAfrica)
Infusion factors for pesticide residues in tea and infusions (PESTEAFUSE)
Manufacture and use of artisanal cookware, an important route of lead (Pb) exposure in the former Katanga province (Congo) (Katanga)
Analysis of genotoxic flavouring substances in foodstuffs (FLAVOURAN)
Fast Antimicrobial Resistance and Mobile-Element Detection using metagenomics for animal and human on-site tests (FARMED)
Investigation of resistance mechanisms in emerging pathogens with the 'OneHealth' concept as missing link (MissingLink)
Determination of propylene glycol levels in foodstuffs and exposure assessment for the Belgian population (PROPYLENE GLYCOL DRINKS)
Acrylamide in other food (Acrofood)
Occurrence of tropane alkaloids in foodstuffs and risks for the Belgian consumer (TROPAL)
Research into the dietary exposure of the Belgian Population to Steviol Glycosides (Stevia)
Presence of chlorinated paraffins in foodstuffs and intake of the Belgian population (PARCLINTA)
Screening of possible endocrine disrupting chemicals related to food, evaluation of their oestro/androgenic activity and dietary intake assessment for the Belgian population (ENDFOODTOX)
Development of methods for detection of infectious Hepatitis E (HEV) in pork meat products and optimisation of processing practices to reduce infectivity (DECHAHEV)
Determination of pyrrolizidine alkaloid levels in baby products, iced teas, spices, subspecies of oregano and frozen leafy vegetables (PASFOODEXTRA)
Development of a multi-method for the analysis of additives in foodstuffs (MULTIMADD)
Food monitoring system to track the nutritional quality of food products on the Belgian market (NUTRITRACK)
Physico-chemical characterisation and exposure analysis of nanoparticles in food additives in the context of risk assessment (EFSA-Nano)
Business Impact Assessment on Obesity and Population Level Nutrition (BIA-Obesity)
Study of the lead and cadmium contamination in big game meat (LECAHUNT)
The cost of current versus healthy sustainable diets in Belgium (DIETCOST)
Development and implementation of a Belgian platform for the generation and use of “whole genome sequencing” (WGS) data for outbreak investigation, with the for human pathogenic Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) as case study (
A new global infrastructure for promoting metrology in food and nutrition (METROFOOD)
Promoting One Health in Europe through joint actions on foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging microbiological hazards (One Health EJP)
Reduction of Campylobacter in broiler flocks: identification of risk factors, evaluation of increased biosecurity measures and the protective effect of the microbiota of Campylobacter free flocks (CAMPREVENT)
Development and harmonization of innovative methods for comprehensive analysis of foodborne toxigenic bacteria (TOX-detect)
Task force on varnishes and coatings for food contact materials (COATEVAL)
Database of substances known by the Member States of the Council of Europe and used in food contact materials (FCM Dbase)
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in herbs and related foodstuffs (PASHERBS)
Integrating VEGA, toxRead, MERLIN-Expo, and ERICA in a platform for risk assessment and substitution of risky substances (LIFE-VERMEER)
European programme for the establishment of validated procedures for the detection and identification of biological toxins (EuroBioTox)
A liquid bead array system for the rapid genetic screening of antimicrobial resistance determinants: development and valorization in the « one-health » perspective (AMR-ARRAY)
Method validation: comparison of size distribution of iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticle analysis between Flow Field Flow Fractionation, single particle ICP-MS and Electron Microscopy (NIROVAL )
National Reference Laboratory for Trace Elements in food and feed, for Nanomaterials and for Food Contact Materials (NRL-TE; NRL-NANO; NRL-FCM)
National Reference Laboratory for Mycotoxins, Plant Toxins and Marine Biotoxins (NRL Toxines)
Physico-chemical characterization of the fraction of engineered nanomaterials in silver (E174) food additives in the context of risk assessment (NanoAg@)
Molecular database foodborne outbreak (MolDbFBO)
Implementation and validation of an analytical methodology to assess the nanofraction in the food additives E171, E174 and E175 with exposure analysis in the context of risk assessment (Nanofood@)
The incidence of citrinin in the Belgian food and feed chain and the risk for human and animal health (CITRIRISK)
Transversal platform of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (BIOTECH Platform)
Expertise laboratory for GMO analysis (GMOlab)
Method validation of nanomaterial characterisation by single particle ICP-MS and Dynamic Light Scattering (NanoVAL)
Towards a toxicologically relevant definition of nanomaterials (To²DeNano)
Analysis and risk characterisation for arsenic species in food supplements (COMPAs)
More rapid and accurate identification of (zoonotic) Salmonella serotypes that are the object of official control in poultry and pork (SALMSTID)
Migration of mineral oil from cardboard packaging for food: identification of the hazards and assessment of the exposure of the Belgian population (MinOil)
Development of next generation sequencing data analysis tools in support of a fast response for public health and food chain safety (NeXSplorer.iph)
Better Training for Safer Food - Mycotoxins (BTSF)
Development of biomarkers for endocrine disruptors (EDC BIRTHCOHORT)
Characterisation of a rod-shaped TiO2 candidate reference material using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Nanorod)
Next Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics for Public Health (NGS&Bio-IT)
Dietary exposure of the Belgian population (adults and children) to pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PASFOOD)
Preparation of an epidemiological response tool in the event of a sanitary crisis due to a chemical accident (EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS)
Preparation of CEN Technical Specification: “Guidance on detection and identification of nano-objects in complex matrices”(WI 00352012, CEN-TC352-WG3-PG2) (CEN project)
Intake of fat soluble vitamins from the consumption of food, fortified foods and supplements in Belgium (VITADEK)
Protective Effect of South African Plants on Mycotoxin-Induced Mutagenicity and Toxicity (Z.-Afrika)
Modeling the absorption of cadmium in leaf and root crops (FoodCad)
Development of a prioritisation strategy for hazard characterisation of substances migrating from printed paper and board food contact materials based on their genotoxicity (PRIMISTRA)
Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardised methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial (NanoDefine )
A common European approach to the regulatory testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials (NANoREG)
Food contaminants (CONTAM)
Bioavailability and transformation of arsenic from food: role of food preparation, preservation and digestion (BIOTRAs)
Reference materials as metrological tools for emerging and regulated mycotoxins and for animal experiments (RefMat)
Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG)
National Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Organisms (NRL-GMO)
Exposure Risk Assessments (ERA)
National Food Consumption Survey (FCS)
Network of pediatric infectious disease surveillance (PediSurv)
Archives of Public Health (APH)
Assessment of the toxicity of pesticides for agricultural use at national and international level (PESTBIONAT & PESTINT)
National reference center for bacterial meningitis and gastrointestinal diseases (NRC bactMeng&gastro)
Animal health
Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products - Quality of medical laboratories
Food consumption and food safety
Health and disease monitoring
Health and environment
Quality of healthcare
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