
Obesity is associated with numerous chronic conditions diseases. A healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and the regular practice of a physical activity, help to prevent weight gain and the many related complications.

Overweight and obesity in Belgium

The following figures emerge from the Health Interview Survey 2018:

  • Average BMI of the adult population (18 years and older): 25,5
  • Percentage of the adult population who are overweight (BMI ≥25): 49,3%
  • Percentage of the adult population with obesity (BMI ≥30): 15,9%
  • Percentage of young people (2-17 years old) who are overweight: 19,0%
  • Percentage of adolescents (2-17 years old) with obesity: 5,8%

Overweight and obesity in the world

Cost of overweight and obesity





In its population surveys, Sciensano investigates the problem of obesity by analysing the practice of physical activities, the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the dietary habits of the population. 

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