Obesity is associated with numerous chronic conditions diseases. A healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and the regular practice of a physical activity, help to prevent weight gain and the many related complications.
What are the symptoms of obesity?
Obesity is first shown by an accumulation of fat in the body, leading to a state of overweight which is harmful for health.
One speaks of obesity when the Body Mass Index (Kg/m²) is equal to or greater than 30.
Obesity can then give rise to complications (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases etc.) shown by other symptoms.
Obesity is also responsible for troubles in daily life, and a feeling of rejection by others which often leads to loneliness, particularly of the emotional domain.
DID YOU KNOW ? An accumulation of fat around the waistline, independently of the BMI, multiplies the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. This fat, also called “visceral fat”, is dangerous, because it surrounds the visceral organs of the abdomen (kidney, liver, pancreas, intestines, stomach etc.).