Sciensano & Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E

Last updated on 2-9-2024 by Lieke Vervoort

Sciensano and the clinical laboratory of the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc conduct laboratory analyses to diagnose hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses using serological and molecular biological techniques. Supplementary analyses such as genotyping of these viruses and antiviral resistance tests are also conducted.

In addition Sciensano monitors the presence of hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses in Belgium, in particular at the request of Belgian and international healthcare authorities such as the ECDC and the World Health Organisation.

Sciensano also monitors certain risk groups for hepatitis B, C and D viruses through its Illegal drugs-unit.

Lastly, Sciensano checks the quality of vaccines against the hepatitis A and B viruses.

Laboratory for biological standardisation

Sciensano houses the Laboratory for biological standardisation, which checks the quality of vaccines against hepatitis A and B before they are released to the Belgian and European market (European Economic Area).

National reference centre for hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses 

Sciensano coordinates the National Reference Centre for Hepatitis virus A, B, C, D and E in collaboration with the clinical laboratory of the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc.

Sciensano conducts diagnoses on samples from various arrays, using: 

  • detection of antibodies against hepatitis A, C (confirmation only), D and E viruses
  • detection of genetic material for hepatitis A, D and E viruses.

Sciensano also conducts analyses to determine the genotype of hepatitis A and E viruses.
Sciensano strives to develop new methods and to keep the methods used in the laboratory up to date.
Lastly, Sciensano coordinates and participates in various research projects and studies into hepatitis A, D and E viruses through national and international partnerships.

Illegal Drugs Unit

Scienano’s Illegal drugs unit stores information relating to people who use injections during their drug use. This population group always runs a higher risk of hepatitis C, primarily because needles are shared.

Monitoring the epidemiology of viral hepatitis

Sciensano coordinates the network of sentinel laboratories. Each week, these laboratories report anonymous data on various pathogens, including viral hepatitis. Sciensano uses this to monitor the epidemiology of viral hepatitis. They can monitor very useful trends by analysing this data. In addition, surveillance also involves integrating data from other sources to supplement data from the sentinel laboratories.

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