#HELICONference : health of children and young adults during the COVID-19 crisis


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the mental and physical health and family dynamics of children and young adults in Belgium. Scientific research shows that they have faced unique challenges ranging from interrupted education and socialization to increased stress and anxiety.



Contact person: 
Brecht Devleesschauwer

Mobility week | New research confirms the health impacts caused by traffic-related air pollution in Belgium

In Belgium, air pollution from road traffic is a major environmental health risk. It consists of pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, fine particulate matter, and benzene, all of which are known to cause serious health issues, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as premature mortality.

Sciensano participates in the Scientific Summit of the United Nations General Assembly

Sciensano will be present at the summit as the Belgian nodal member of the METROFOOD-RI project. This project is established to improve metrology in food and nutrition by setting high standards to ensure the quality, authenticity and safety of food on both European and global levels. It is a research infrastructure aimed at enhancing scientific collaboration and addressing critical knowledge gaps on food.

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