
Last updated on 16-2-2023 by Lieke Vervoort

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Acronym Start date End date Service Keywords
Assessing the impact of using the web as a part of a mixed mode design for the Belgian Health Interview Survey Webpilot February 1, 2016 December 31, 2019 Health information Health Interview Survey (HIS), Mixed mode study design, Web surveys, Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI)
Assessment of the impact of road traffic exposure on the health of the Brussels population: pilot project on individuals subjected to low and high levels of exposure IMPASTRA January 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Risk and health impact assessment air pollution, professionnal exposure, biomonitoring, black carbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene
Assessment of the toxicity of pesticides for agricultural use at national and international level PESTBIONAT & PESTINT January 2, 1990 Risk and health impact assessment pesticides, plant protection products, toxicity, hazard and risk assessment
BCCM/IHEM fungi collection: human and animal health BCCM/IHEM January 1, 2016 Mycology and aerobiology
Belgian Bioelectromagnetics Group BBEMG July 1, 2021 June 30, 2025 Risk and health impact assessment electromagnetic fields, 50 Hz magnetic fields, genetic effects, literature review, risk perception
Belgian Cancer Barometer 2020 BCB2020 January 6, 2020 January 3, 2021 Cancer centre cancer
Belgian Cancer Inventory Belgian Cancer Inventory January 1, 2023 Cancer centre cancer
Belgian Cancer Research Alliance BECRA May 17, 2024 Cancer centre
Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Registry BCFR October 1, 2006 Health services research Cystic fibrosis, Registry, Quality of care
Belgian Early Warning System on Drugs BEWSD June 16, 1997 Health information illicit drugs, new psychoactive substances, NPS, monitoring, EMCDDA
Belgian Evaluation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Teams BEAST April 1, 2023 September 30, 2024 Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance
Belgian federal components and national node development for the ESFRI research infrastructure, METROFOOD, for the promotion of metrology in food and nutrition METROFOOD-FED.BE December 15, 2023 December 15, 2026 Chemical and physical health risks
Belgian Genetic Test Database BGTD September 1, 2017 Health services research rare disease, genetic test, website, Orphanet, genetic centre
Belgian Handbook for Oncological Supportive Care BeONCOsup January 1, 2023 April 30, 2024 Cancer centre cancer, chronic diseases
Belgian Health and Well-being Cohort BELHEALTH September 1, 2022 Health information cohort, health, wellbeing, survey, population, mental health
Belgian Health Status Project HSR June 1, 2017 December 31, 2023 Health information health determinants, health in Belgium, health status, monitoring, population health
Belgian Hospitals – Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption BeH-SAC January 1, 2007 Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance hospital, surveillance, antimicrobial consumption, antimicrobial stewardship
Belgian Index of Multiple Deprivation BIMD April 1, 2023 Health information social deprivation, education, employment, income, housing, crime, health
Belgian Mortality Monitoring in nursing homes Be-MOMO in NH January 1, 2024 Epidemiology and public health mortality, deaths, excess mortality, nursing home, epidemiology of infectious diseases, Influenza, air pollution, heat, cold, temperatures, environnement, surveillance
Belgian National Burden of Disease Study BeBOD January 4, 2016 Health information
Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry BNMDR January 1, 2008 Health services research neuromuscular diseases, register
Belgian Roadmap for an Effective and Appropriate use of high-throughput technologies for response and preparedness in Different likelY scenarios of communicable disease threats .Be READY August 1, 2017 July 31, 2022 Transversal activities in applied genomics, Viral diseases, Foodborne pathogens one health, whole genome sequencing, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, pathogens, public health
Belgian Treatment Demand Indicator Register BTDIR January 1, 2011 Health information
Belgian ‘Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’ Mirror Group BE EBCP October 21, 2021 Cancer centre european project, cancer prevention, cancer care, project monitoring, evaluation, cancer research
Belgians debate the COVID-19 vaccination Coronaconsultaties October 15, 2022 March 1, 2021 Kankercentrum COVID-19, focus groups, vaccination, ethics, citizen engagement
Better Training for Safer Food - Mycotoxins BTSF August 7, 2015 March 9, 2018 Organic contaminants and additives European Commission, mycotoxins, training course, food safety, import, harmonisation
Beyond-COVID BY-COVID October 1, 2021 September 30, 2024 Epidemiology and public health, Health information, Cancer centre COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, vaccine efficacy, epidemic preparedness, infectious diseases, data mobilisation, metadata standards
Bioavailability and transformation of arsenic from food: role of food preparation, preservation and digestion BIOTRAs February 1, 2012 January 31, 2015 Trace elements and nanomaterials arsenic, speciation, bioaccessibility, risk evaluation, exposure, food preparation
Biodiversity at school environments benefits all B@SEBALL December 15, 2019 March 15, 2024 Risk and health impact assessment biodiversity, surrounding greenness, school environment, microbiome, children's health, public health
Bringing a Health Claim to Information: “ Measuring the impact of health data on the health outcomes of European citizens” BAHCI August 1, 2018 July 31, 2020 Epidemiology and public health health information systems, knowledge translation, evidence informed decision-making, evidence-based policy, health system performance, European public health research

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