Zoekresultaten - 17 results

OMCL testing and the API working group: Part of the solution?

to obtain a global image of the sample, to compare to the batches of the (presumed) manufacturer and/or to the data of fingerpint studies performed in the past in order to detect falsifications. In the ...

Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Grass and Birch Pollen in Belgium

Grass health pollen Pollinosis SILAM Abstract: The contribution of biogenic aerosols such as pollen to air pollution effects on the human wellbeing is substantial. Recently there is a global increase in ...

Characterization and risk identification of falsified medicines and adulterated dietary supplements

and substandard medicines and adulterated dietary supplements or traditional medicines represent a treat to global public health. A recent research project, financed by a scholarship of the Chinese ...

Development of a multiplex immunoassay for simultaneous detection of antigens in DTaP vaccines

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Maxime Vermeulen; Isabelle Feck; Alexandre Dobly Source: Global Conference on Vaccine Research and Developpment, PAGES, ...

Development of a genoserotyping system for the identification of Salmonella serotypes

both techniques was proposed for global Salmonella surveillance and control at a national level. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie ...

Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Modelling of Birch Pollen in Belgium

(Landrigan et al. in The Lancet Commission on pollution and health, 2017) [3]. Biogenic emissions of aerosols such as pollen also impact the human wellbeing. The industrialized world suffers from a global ...

Affiliation to the Treat-NMD Consortium Using an Agreed Minimum Dataset Allows Small Registries and Large Registries to Collaborate Together

Group was established in 2017 specifically to develop collaborations amongst TREAT- NMD DM registries. The aim of this study was to further develop the TREAT- NMD Global Registry Network by highlighting ...

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