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Zoekresultaten - 129 results

Global estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2020: a baseline analysis of the WHO Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative.

and mortality, based on The Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) 2020 estimates, including geographical and socioeconomic development, and temporal aspects. METHODS: For this analysis, we used the ...

Non-response bias in the analysis of the association between mental health and the urban environment: a cross-sectional study in Brussels, Belgium

likely to respond. When adjusting for socio-economic variables, non-response was higher in areas which are less vegetated, more polluted or more urbanised. Because the determinants of non-response and ...

Mental health among people with a migration background in Belgium over the past 20 years: how has the situation evolved?

minimal clinically important difference (MID) was also calculated for the severity of MI. Results After controlling for socioeconomic status, the average marginal effect indicated a decrease in mental ...

The effectiveness of food system policies to improve nutrition, nutrition-related inequalities and environmental sustainability: a scoping review

socio-economic differences in diets, whereas labelling may be more effective among women and higher socio-economic groups. A trade-off identified was that healthy food provision interventions may increase food ...

Potential business model for a European vaccine R&D infrastructure and its estimated socio-economic impact

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jungbluth, Stefan; Martin, William; Slezak, Monika; Depraetere, Hilde; Guzman, Carlos A.; Ussi, Anton; Morrow, David; Van Heuverswyn, Fran; Arnouts, Sven; Carrondo, Manuel J. T.; Olesen, Ole; Ott ...

Awareness of, Willingness to Take PrEP and Its Actual Use Among Belgian MSM at High Risk of HIV Infection: Secondary Analysis of the Belgian European MSM Internet Survey

lower among socioeconomically vulnerable MSM, MSM living outside large cities, MSM who were less open about their sexuality and those who did not identify as gay or homosexual. A lack of PrEP knowledge, ...

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