Zoekresultaten - 160 results

Capturing respiratory syncytial virus season in Belgium using the influenza severe acute respiratory infection surveillance network, season 2018/19.

allowed, so patients without fever but meeting the other case definition criteria could be included in the surveillance.ResultsBetween weeks 40 2018 and 2 2019, we received 508 samples from SARI patients. We ...

Analysis of foodborne disease in Belgium in 1997.

development of food-related illness, including an early warning system and an efficient analysis of microbiological criteria relating to human health, food and food production, including livestock. An essential ...

CanCon European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control- Chapter 4: Screening

establishment of evidence of effectiveness, benefits that outweigh the harms and costeffectiveness. Once evidence exists to support these criteria, implementation research in each country is needed to assess the ...

Food contamination with pyrrolizidine alkaloids: the expected and the unexpected

compounds to discard. The analytical methods were validated in-house and the method’s performances were within the criteria allowed by Directive 2002/657/ CE and SANTE /11945/2015. A structured sampling plan ...

UHPLC-MS/MS methods for the quantification of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in a wide range of food matrices and exposure assessment for the Belgian population

compounds to discard. The analytical methods were validated in-house and the method’s performances were within the criteria allowed by Directive 2002/657/ CE and SANTE /11945/2015. A structured sampling plan ...

How safe are your infusions? Analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in plant based products using UHPLC-MS/MS & highlighting of their transfer rate during brewing.

sensitivity. The separation of PA s/ PANO s was performed on a C18 stationary phase LC column. The analytical methods were validated in-house and the method’s performances were within the criteria allowed by ...

Lack of nutrient declarations and low nutritional quality of pre-packaged foods sold in Guatemalan supermarkets.

respectively. Using PAHO and WHO nutrient profiles, we found that 66·2 and 50 % of food products did not meet the model’s nutritional criteria. CONCLUSIONS: A high proportion of pre-packaged foods with ...

Benchmarking the transparency, comprehensiveness and specificity of population nutrition commitments of major food companies in Malaysia.

for each domain) assessed commitments and disclosures collected against the BIA-Obesity scoring criteria. Weighted scores across domains were added and the derived percentage was used to rank companies. ...

Food Enzyme Database (FEDA): a web application gathering information about food enzyme preparations available on the European market.

on the producing company, production source (strain type, genetically modified microorganism status), type of enzyme protein and evaluation status with employed evaluation criteria. The database ...

Collaborative development of an innovative provocation protocol in studying electrohypersensitivity

they still provide advances in the knowledge? Methodological limits are expressed by EHP and associations: inadequate inclusion criteria, diversity of individual sensitivities, latency in the appearance ...

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