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Zoekresultaten - 18 results

Identification of filamentous fungi isolates by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: clinical evaluation of an extended reference spectra library.

reference spectra. To this end, a large in-house library containing 760 strains and representing 472 species was built and evaluated on 390 clinical isolates by comparing MALDI- TOF MS with the classical ...

The taxonomic status of Trichophyton quinckeanum and T. interdigitale revisited: a multigene phylogenetic approach.

relationships between this fungus and related taxa. To achieve this objective, the ITS rDNA region, as well as actin and β-tubulin gene regions of various isolates were sequenced. Bayesian inference and maximum ...

Molecular typing and antifungal susceptibility of Exophiala isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis.

agent of colonization of the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). A total of 71 clinical isolates of Exophiala from 13 patients were identified at the species level by sequencing the internal ...

Effect of smoke-water and a smoke-isolated butenolide on the growth and genotoxicity of commercial onion

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Kulkarni, M.G.; Ascough, G.D.; Luc Verschaeve; Baeten, K.; Arruda, M.P.; Van Staden, J. Source: Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 124, Issue 4, Number 439 (2010) Keywords: Allium cepa L. Bulb Buteno ...

Successful treatment with voriconazole of prolonged Paecilomyces lilacinus fungemia in a chronic hemodialyzed patient

Humans im INFECTION IS isolation & purification journal Literature microbiology ON Paecilomyces Patient Print Pyrimidines Renal Dialysis report reports SB- IM successful therapeutic use treatment ...

The co-existence between transgenic and non-transgenic maize in the European Union: a focus on pollen flow and cross-fertilization

cross-fertilization GM-crop-free zones isolation distances maize pollen barriers pollen flow thresholds Zea mays L. Abstract: The ongoing discussion on the co-existence between genetically modified (GM) and non- GM ...

Disentangling the Link between Built/Non-Built Environment and Mental Health in Brussels

Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Participant’s mental health was approached through different indicators from validated questionnaires (GHQ, SF36 vitality scale, etc.) and isolated variables (reported ...

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