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Zoekresultaten - 88 results

Sampling strategy, occurrence and diversity of free-living protozoa in domestic refrigerators.

seeded with representatives of FLP were swabbed with cotton wools. The recovery efficiency was the highest for Chilomonas paramecium, followed by Tetrahymena pyriformis and the lowest for Acanthamoeba ...

Introduction of human papillomavirus vaccination in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

will start in September 2009. The sales of HPV vaccines (all ages combined) were by far the lowest in the Netherlands. CONCLUSION: Up to the end of 2008, HPV vaccination efforts reached less than a third ...

H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus survival in different types of water.

water, such as temperature and salinity. Avian influenza virus survival was the highest at 4 C and the lowest at 20 C. Prolonged infectivity of the virus in Baltic seawater (brackish, 7.8 ppt) was also ...

Multiplex real-time RT-PCR for simultaneous detection of GI/GII noroviruses and murine norovirus 136839

a 4 log excess between GI and GII plasmid DNA s hindered amplification of the target with the lowest concentration. High concentrations of the real-time PCR IAC (MNV-1 plasmid DNA) also interfered with the ...

Comparison of concentrations of mercury in ambient air to its accumulation by leafy vegetables: an important step in terrestrial food chain analysis.

concentration in vegetables is between 0.6 and 5.4 microg kg(-1) FW. The effect detection limits (EDL s) are between 1.2 and 11.0 microg kg(-1) FW and the biological detection limits (BDL s), the lowest [TGM] ...

The gap between food-based dietary guidelines and usual food consumption in Belgium, 2004.

alcohol and snacks) was excessive (481 g/d). There were important age and gender differences. Fruit, vegetable and spreadable fat consumption was lowest, while consumption of dairy, starchy and ...

Prime-boost vaccination with a fowlpox vector and an inactivated avian influenza vaccine is highly immunogenic in Pekin ducks challenged with Asian H5N1 HPAI.

response and the lowest antibody increase after challenge were observed in the group of ducks whose immune system was primed with the fowlpox vectored vaccine and boosted with the inactivated vaccine, ...

National influences on catheter-associated bloodstream infection rates: practices among national surveillance networks participating in the European HELICS project.

from OR: 2.3; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.5-10.2; to OR: 12.8; 95% CI: 4.4-37.5; in reference to the country with the lowest CVC- BSI rates] and type of hospital 'university' (OR: 2.08; 95% ...

Effect of pooling and multiplexing on the detection of bluetongue virus RNA by real-time RT-PCR.

individually and pooled samples indicated an overall mean difference of 4.32 Ct-values. The most pronounced differences were observed in samples with the lowest viral load of which 70% could no longer be ...

Pooled analysis of the accuracy of five cervical cancer screening tests assessed in eleven studies in Africa and India.

CI 80-88%) for the outcomes CIN2 + or CIN3 +, respectively. VILI was on average 10% more sensitive and equally specific. VIAM showed similar results as VIA. The Pap smear showed lowest sensitivity, ...

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