Zoekresultaten - 185 results

Scientific Statement on Presence of microplastics and nanoplastics in food, with particular focus on seafood

Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Contaminants organiques et additifs Organische contaminanten en additieven Organic contaminants and additives Manuscript ...

Oxidative stress pathways involved in cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on cells constitutive of alveolo-capillary barrier in vitro.

sensitivity to endogenous redox changes, respectively, enabling to predict cell behavior. Health Topics:  Health and environment Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en ...

Scientific Opinion on the Risks for human health related to the presence of 3- and 2-monochloropropanediol (MCPD), and their fatty acid esters, and glycidyl fatty acid esters in food

higher were considered of low health concern. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Contaminants organiques et additifs Organische contaminanten en ...

Scientific opinion on the Acute health risks related to the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in raw apricot kernels and products derived from raw apricot kernels

Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Contaminants organiques et additifs Organische contaminanten en additieven Organic contaminants and additives Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Scientific Opinion on the Appropriateness to set a group health-based guidance value for zearalenone and its modified forms

environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Contaminants organiques et additifs Organische contaminanten en additieven Organic contaminants and additives Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

A molecular approach for the rapid, selective and sensitive detection of Exophiala jeanselmei in environmental samples: development and performance assessment of a real-time PCR assay

the need for culturing and thereby considerably decreasing the required analysis time to 2 days. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Activités ...

In vitro mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of dichloromethane leaf extracts of seven Protea species using Ames test

Number 326 (2016) Keywords: aflatoxin B1 Ames test Neutral Red Uptake Protea lanceolata Protea susannae Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  ...

Human biomonitoring of heavy metals in the vicinity of non-ferrous metal plants in Ath, Belgium.

biomonitoring studies in the general population and are below the levels of concern for public health. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Manuscript versions:  ...

Genotoxicity and Antigenotoxicity Studies of Traditional Medicinal Plants: How Informative and Accurate are the Results?

attention is paid. A short overview is given of such aspects that deserve more attention. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Manuscript versions:  Full text ...

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