Last updated on 11-1-2024 by Moira Kelly Public AccessPublished Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Engels DOI : AuteursAMCRA; ARSIA; Brussels Environment; CHU Liège; DGZ and MCC; EARS-BE (Sciensano); BeH-SAC/ESAC-NET (Sciensano); FAMHP; FASFC; FPS Public Health; ISSep; ILVO; NRL-AMR (Sciensano); NRC AMR Gram Negative Bacteria; NRC Campylobacter; NRC Clostridioides; NRC Enterococci; NRC causative agents of mycosis; NRC Haemophilus influenzae; NRC Invasive Streptococcus Pneumoniae; NRC Salmonella, Shigella and Mycobacteria (Sciensano); NRC Sexually Transmitted Infections; NRC Staphylococci; Mycology and aerobiology (Sciensano); Societe publique de gestion de l'eau; Service public de Wallonie; TC-MDRO; NSIH (Sciensano); UGent; Veterinary Epidemiology (Sciensano); VMM Trefwoordenantimicrobial drug use antimicrobial resistance (AMR) infectious disease One Health Zoonoses Associated health topics: