Development of Digital Droplet PCR Targeting the Influenza H3N2 Oseltamivir-Resistant E119V Mutation and Its Performance through the Use of Reverse Genetics Mutants.

Last updated on 29-3-2023 by Steven Van Gucht

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



The monitoring of antiviral-resistant influenza virus strains is important for public health given the availability and use of neuraminidase inhibitors and other antivirals to treat infected patients. Naturally occurring oseltamivir-resistant seasonal H3N2 influenza virus strains often carry a glutamate-to-valine substitution at position 119 in the neuraminidase (E119V-NA). Early detection of resistant influenza viruses is important for patient management and for the rapid containment of antiviral resistance. The neuraminidase inhibition assay allows the phenotypical identification of resis…

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