Last updated on 23-8-2019 by Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)
Peer reviewed scientific article
Lukas Reitzle; Sylvia Hansen; Rebecca Paprott; Wally Achtermann; Jens Baumert; Petronille Bogaert; Laure Curt; Peter Diem; Du, Yong; Stefanie Eiser; Justine Fitzpatrick; Christin Heidemann; Pekka Jousilahti; Bernhard Kulzer; Jaana Lindström; Hannelore Neuhauser; Herman Van Oyen; Louise Pelletier; Christian Schmidt; Jonathan Valabhji; Raimund Weitgasser; Ziese, Thomas; Daniela Zahn; Christa Scheidt-NaveTrefwoorden
Diabetes mellitus and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) represent an emerging global public health challenge. In Germany, about 6.7 million adults are affected by diabetes according to national health surveys, including 1.3 million with undiagnosed diabetes. Complications of diabetes result in an increasing burden for individuals and society as well as enormous costs for the health care system. In response, the Federal Ministry of Health commissioned the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) to implement a diabetes surveillance system and the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) to dev…