Very Long Persistence of Botulinum Toxin B in a Patient’s Serum

Last updated on 23-8-2019 by Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



Background: Botulinum toxins (BoNT) type A, B, E, F may induce a serious neuroparalytic illness in humans. Botulism can be transmitted via three routes: foodborne, wound and intestinal (in situ toxemia generally observed in infants and/or in immunocompromised adults) botulism. Case Report: A case of human botulism type B due to the consumption of an imported dried ham is reported. Laboratory results confirmed the diagnosis using the mouse bioassay and the qPCR method. Botulinum toxin was still detected in the serum up to 29 days after food consumption while it was not d…

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