Zoekresultaten - 24 results

Tick-borne diseases in Belgium: The incidence and economic burden of Lyme borreliosis and the occurrence of other tick-borne infections

expanding rash at the site of the tick bite. If left untreated, the infection can disseminate, causing more severe disease. In addition, patients may report persisting non-specific symptoms after treatment, ...

Chemical and toxciological characterization of e-liquid cigarettes

present in e-liquids with a sweet, buttery taste such as cake, caramel, popcorn (55% in 2017 compared to 27% in 2018). Next, as a test case, the risk of inhaling diacetyl present in e-liquids was ...

Clinical Evolution and Disease Burden of Cystic Fibrosis Patients after Newborn Screening and Clinical Diagnosis

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Noelia Rodriguez Mier; Simeon Wanyama; Géraldine Daneau; Proesmans, Marijke Source: KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (2020) Keywords: Cystic Fibrosis mucoviscidose ...


A liquid-liquid extraction was used as a sample ‘clean-up’ for lubricants. The sample was then injected using gas chromatography-flame ionization-mass spectrometry (GC- FID- MS). The AHP s were analyzed using a HS- ...

Strategies to detect unauthorized genetically modified organisms in food and feed chain

unauthorized GMO, this PhD aims to improve and strengthen the existing GMO detection system using high-tech approaches. First, as a study case, an overview of genetically modified (GM) rice, developed around the ...

Surveillance studies of suicidal behavior and depression by the Belgian Network of Sentinel General Practices.

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Nicole Boffin; De Maeseneer,J.; Deveugele,M. Source: Universiteit Gent, Number 203, Ghent, p.203 (2013) ISBN: 9789491125065 Keywords: behavior Belgian ...

Analyse van factoren die huisartsen ervan weerhouden om bij ouderen met urineweginfecties, verblijvend in woonzorgcentra, hun voorschrijfgedrag aan te passen aan de bestaande guidelines

Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance Manuscript versions:  DOI:  http://www.icho-info.be/masterproefpdf/thesis/%7Bddbdaef2-44f9-fbfd-0a2b-bb74b33… File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  ...

Urineweginfecties in woonzorgcentra: literatuuronderzoek van de methode van staalafname bij ouderen vergeleken met de methode van staalafname in de praktijk

http://www.icho-info.be/masterproefpdf/thesis/%7B7fad060e-b280-fcb2-2f24-976c932… File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text language:  Dutch Category:  D2 FOS Classification:  3.02 Clinical medicine ...

Incidentie van en risicofactoren voor urineweginfecties bij geïnstitutionaliseerde en niet-geïnstitutionaliseerde ouderen

1000 patiënt-maanden) lag ongeveer 20 maal hoger dan bij de thuiswonende ouderen (3,54 per 1000-patiënt-maanden) {OR = 20,0 95% BI  13,1-30,6}. Conclusies: De incidentie van urineweginfecties in de ...

Totaal selenium in hoofdhaar van personen met chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom en/of fibromyalgie: een pilootstudie

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Ronny Machiels; Nick Wouters; L De Temmerman; Nadia Waegeneers Source: Groep T, Leuven, België, p.75 (2013) Keywords: CVS fibromyalgie hoofdhaar Selenium ...

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