Zoekresultaten - 3 results

Years of life lost methods must remain fully equitable and accountable

Number 216 (2022) Keywords: European burden of disease network Years of life lost Abstract: How to estimate population health loss due to COVID-19 has been greatly contested. This has resulted in various ...

QALY losses for chronic diseases and its social distribution in the general population: results from the Belgian Health Interview Survey

a higher PAF was found in individuals with hip fracture and stroke. In 2013, the health inequality gap amounts to 33,731 QALY s and further expanded to 42,273 QALY s in 2018. Conclusion. Given that chronic ...

Population vulnerability to COVID-19 in Europe: a burden of disease analysis

Jane Idavain; Tina Lesnik; Elena Von der Lippe; Marek Majdan; Milena Santric-Milicevic; Elena Pallari; José L. Peñalvo; Sara M. Pires; Dietrich Plaß; João V. Santos; Diane L. Stockton; Sofie Theresa ...

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