Zoekresultaten - 7 results

Discrepancies between validated GC‐FID and UHPLC‐DAD methods for the analysis of Δ‐9‐THC and CBD in dried hemp flowers

Analysis, Volume 14, Issue 10 (2022) Keywords: agricultural hemp GC-FID herbal product for smoking UHPLC-DAD Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of ...

Chemical and toxciological characterization of e-liquid cigarettes

present in e-liquids with a sweet, buttery taste such as cake, caramel, popcorn (55% in 2017 compared to 27% in 2018). Next, as a test case, the risk of inhaling diacetyl present in e-liquids was ...

The role of liquid chromatography and gas chromatography in the analysis of illegal medicines and health products

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Yaxin Tie; Celine Vanhee; Erwin Adams; Eric Deconinck Source: LC-GC Europe, Volume 32, Issue 2, Number 93 (2019) Health Topics:  ...

General considerations on the biosafety of virus-derived vectors used in gene therapy and vaccination.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Aline Baldo; van den Akker, Eric; Bergmans, Hans E; Lim, Filip; Katia Pauwels Source: Curr Gene Ther, Volume 13, Issue 6, Number 394, ...

Establishment of the Ph. Eur. BRP for varicella vaccine batch 1.

manufacturers, were assayed by the participants using their in-house PFU assay methods. Both candidates were found to be suitable for this purpose. Based on logistical considerations, candidate X (4.37 log(10)0 ...

Estimated number of deaths directly averted in people 60 years and older as a result of COVID-19 vaccination in the WHO European Region, December 2020 to November 2021.

coverage. We estimated that vaccination averted 469,186 deaths (51% of 911,302 expected deaths; sensitivity range: 129,851-733,744; 23-62%). Impact by country ranged 6-93%, largest when implementation ...

Phage Biobank: Present Challenges and Future Perspectives.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ruby Cy Lin; Jessica C Sacher; Pieter-Jan Ceyssens; Jan Zheng; Ali Khalid; Jonathan R Iredell; Australian Phage Biobanking Network Source: ...

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