Zoekresultaten - 48 results

Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute Care Hospitals: Results of the 2022 ECDC Point Prevalence Survey

HAI s and antimicrobial use in Belgian acute care hospitals compared to previous surveys. This emphasizes the ongoing need for rigorous infection prevention and control measures, as well as robust ...

Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute Care Hospitals: Results of the 2022 ECDC Point Prevalence Survey

infections), as well as for surgical and medical prophylaxis (12.4 and 6.6%, respectively). Notably, only 22.7% of surgical prophylaxis courses (n=100/440) lasted more than one day. The top three most used ...

NATIONAL SURVEILLANCE OF SARS-COV-2 IN WASTEWATER- How does WBE contribute to the global epidemiologic assessment in Belgium? (September 2020 – 2024)

in this work demonstrate that satisfying correlation levels were observed at the implementation and running stages of the present surveillance, which were used as a proof of concept for validating our ...

be.Prepared to increase Belgian integration of health data as a way of strengthening preparedness for infectious diseases

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Heleen Masset; Amber Van Laer; Michael Kelchtermans; Kato Millis; Ann-Stephan Gori; Raf Winand; Sigrid C.J. De Keersmaecker; Nancy Roosens; Philippe Herman; Ruben Brondeel; Koen Blot ...

Knowledge, perceptions and practices related to mosquitoes and mosquito-borne viruses: survey in Belgium, 2022

pictures of insects. Participants perceived the severity of MBV s as high (mean score 6.0/7.0), but their susceptibility to MBV s and mosquitoes lower (4.3/7.0). Participants were most motivated to take ...

The overweight epidemic increasingly hits children of lower educated parents in Belgium

include children aged 2-17 years. The highest educational level among parents is used as a proxy for SES and is dichotomized into lower (at most a higher secondary degree versus high (higher education). ...

Virological surveillance report of the NRC influenza for season 2021-2022

viruses such as metapneumoviruses, parainfluenza viruses, seasonal coronaviruses, rhino- and enteroviruses, and adenoviruses were also regularly detected, without clear epidemic wave. Health Topics:  Health ...

A new data collection system for Epilabo: the network of sentinel laboratories

infectious diseases. As part of European Commission funded project (EU- HIP), we here present the implementation of a new, near real-time, laboratory-based surveillance system that was built upon the ...

Towards a new (H)ERA: Developments to strengthen infectious diseases surveillance and pandemic preparedness

combination with conventional testing and epidemiological data integrated genomic-epidemiological analyses can be performed. Therefore, we designed Be- HERA as an overarching architecture to strengthen the ...

Monitoring HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis programmes in the EU/EEA

calls for relevant and actionable data that are feasible to collect as well. In addition, a streamlined approach to PrEP monitoring across EU / EEA countries is required to paint a more detailed picture ...

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