Zoekresultaten - 72 results

Validation of the Flemish-Dutch diabetic foot ulcer scale short form (DFS-SF) questionnaire for diabetic foot ulcers

2019. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034491).   Results: The majority of the patients were men (71.1%), with a mean age of 67.7±10.3 years and mean diabetes duration of 20.1±12.5 years. 81 patients (83.5%) had type 2 diabetes. Ischemia was ...

Validation of the Flemish-Dutch Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) questionnaire for diabetic foot ulcers

validity. The full study protocol has been published earlier (Rezaie et al. 2019. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034491).   Results: The majority of the patients were men (71.1%), with a mean age of 67.7±10.3 years ...

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among fully vaccinated adults in Belgium

individuals who received their primary course. A first COVID-19 vaccine booster campaign was performed in winter of 2021 (age ≥ 18 years) and a second campaign for (age ≥ 50 years) in autumn of 2022. During ...

ESCAIDE 2022 Oral presentation: International outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium linked to a chocolate factory in 2022: Belgian findings

cases (39 cluster 1, 23 cluster 2), with illness onset from mid-January until April and a peak in cases mid-February 2022. Of these 62 cases, 54 were aged 1-9 years old. Among the 44 interviewed cases, 19 ...

Validity of self-reported data to assess the prevalence of overweight, hypertension and cholesterol

of the people with a measured hypertension and 22% of the people with a measured high cholesterol are detected. With regressions based on the SR risk factor, age, sex and education, the measured BMI ...

Prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the general population in Belgium: Results of the second data collection (28/09/21-23/02/22)

study population, older age was associated with a higher risk of not having antibodies in wave 2. Among the fully vaccinated, older people and people with at least one chronic disease were at higher risk ...

Atlas of cause-specific all-ages mortality by district in Belgium, 2010- 2017

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Aline Scohy; Françoise Renard; Jure Jurcevic Source: Sciensano, Brussels, p.22 (2021) Health Topics:  Life expectancy Espérance de vie Levensverwachting Service:  In ...

Prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the general population in Belgium: First results of the SalivaHIS study

community dwelling population aged 18 years and above had developed anti- SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. This percentage was 98.9% among fully vaccinated people (since at least 2 weeks before being tested) and 28.9% ...

Surveillance van COVID-19 gerelateerde mortaliteit in België, epidemiologie en methodologie tijdens 1e en 2e golf (maart 2020- 14 februari 2021)

leeftijdsstandaardisatie (age-standardized mortality rate, ASMR), die rekening houden met de leeftijdsverdeling van de bevolking, toonden aan dat Brussel de hoogste ASMR vertoonde voor de totale periode en de eerste golf, ...

Surveillance de la mortalité COVID-19 en Belgique, épidémiologie et méthodologie durant la 1re et 2e vague (mars 2020- 14 février 2021)

la seconde). Les taux de mortalité COVID-19 standardisés pour l’âge (age-standardized mortality rate, ou ASMR) qui tiennent compte de la répartition par âge de la population, montrent que Bruxelles ...

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